Four |The Dare|

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I groaned as I entered the locker room, I was definitely not looking forward to this. Randy always made it his goal to gloat about how he was better at everything than me. I mean, he does have Alpha blood which makes it a little unfair. I was the soon to be Beta, but I still haven't gone through my first shift yet. Tabitha and I are supposed to go through it next month. To say that I'm eager is a massive understatement. I'm ready to become a wolf even though my father seems to think otherwise. Ever since I was a kid my father would drill discipline and wisdom into my head, claiming that the Beta needs to respect his Alpha, but also needs to advise him on troubling matters. Every time he'd bring it up, I'd laugh in his face because Randy and I hated each other since birth.

"Kensington." A deep voice called from behind me. It was Coach Frakes. He was a big, burly man who seemed to have hair everywhere except his head. He was the Zeta, the general of our pack if you will.

"Yes Coach?" I answered politely.

"It seems like Davis is taking a small vacation in detention. You're up."

I practically choked on my own gasp. Great. Looks like the Beta is covering for the Alpha. Again.... "Again? Coach, why is Randy even on the team if he keeps getting stuck in detention?"

"Because he's got Alpha blood, Kensington. It landed us in championship after championship."

"Yes, but I have Beta blood. Isn't that good enough? I mean, we're the only team with an Alpha and a Beta on their team."

Coach let out an irritated sigh. "I'm not kicking him, Kensington. Don't wanna take any chances. Besides, Dominic would skin me alive if I kicked him."

Although I didn't mean to, I let out a groan. "Not our fault that he keeps getting into trouble. He has no respect for authority."

"I understand that, but Dominic's word is law."

Stupid Alpha.... I hung my head in disappointment then stormed off outside to the rest of the team. We went over one playthrough after another, making sure the boys memorized each and every one of them. Half of them being werewolves helped tremendously, so practice went by rather quickly.

"So, Truth or Dare?" One of the guys, Seth, randomly asked Remy.

"Easy. Dare." He replied, a smirk forming on his lips.

A hint of mischief graced Seth's eyes. "Alright. I dare you to run into the girl's locker room."

Remy shrugged. "Easy enough." He stood up, leaving the room. There was a sudden scream, some swearing, and Remy's laugh which signalled that he completed his dare without any trouble. When he got back, some of the other guys gave him a high five, others patted him on the back. "Alright, Cortez. Truth or Dare."

"Truth." The Latino linebacker simply stated.

"Alright...." Remy thought for a moment before coming up with a question. "Is it true that you slept with Mrs. Harvey?"

Cortez chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that rumor's true. Totally worth the possibility of getting caught." The boys laughed before he turned to me. "Truth or Dare, Kash?"

I shrugged. "Might as well try a famous Cortez Dare." Simon Cortez's dares were always said to be the best, yet challenging, dares to complete in the school. I had to find that out for myself.

He hummed in thought before some kid walked by the locker room. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't place where I saw him. "Alright. I dare you to get that kid to fall in love with you and sleep with him."

"Excuse me...?" I raised an unamused brow, folding my arms.

"You heard me, Kash. Date him, then fuck him. Doesn't have to be in that order either."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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