Sweet Sassy A Little Smart Assey

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Brantley chuckled as he opened his wallet. Counting out the 4 20
Dollar bills he handed them to her. Congratulations Darlin he smirked. Thickening his already thick Georgia drawl.

Jenna smiled as she took the money. Thank you very much she smiled as she put it in the back of her phone case. There was just something. Something in the air. She couldn't shake it. It was like pure crackling electric energy. He smiled at her. She smiled at him. It was just something. She couldn't put her finger on it.

Brantley pointed to the fish bowl container in her hand. What are ya drinkin darlin? Jenna looked at the container in her hand as she shook the ice around. Why you buying me one? She asked him. Maybe he smiled. Well I don't want one of these she laughed. A Twisted Tea would be fine though.

Brantley smiled and the two were going to walk to the bar when they were stopped by one of Paige's friends Sydney. She grabbed Jenna by the arm spinning her around.

Jenna whipped her head around. Settling once she found out it was Paige's friend. What? Jenna asked. Sydney looked at her. Then she looked at the ground. It's Paige... Jenna's eyes got big. What do you mean it's Paige?! She yelled. Even louder than the music. Sydney looked at her. Just go check the bathroom.

Jenna sighed as she ran to the bathroom swinging the door open. Paige laid sprawled out her head in the toilet. Brantley tried to cover his chuckle from behind her.

Damn it Paige! Jenna muttered running over. Paige hiccuped as she picked her head up. Her mascara smudged. I sorry she muttered. Before tossing her head back into the toilet throwing up. Son of a Bitch Jenna muttered picking up her shoes.

Jenna looked at Brantley. So about that drink? Brantley smiled at her. Rain check darlin I got it. He smiled. Making Jenna smile. But then she quickly changed her attitude. She looked at Sydney.

What the hell happened?! She yelled at Sydney. Sydney looked at the ground again. Smart move Brantley thought in his head. She'd probably knock your head off at this point.

Sydney sighed before she began talking. Dominic is here she muttered. Jenna's tan skin turned pale as she slammed the paper towel down. Paige stay fucking here she muttered walking out. Brantley quickly followed. No way this was gonna be good. Who's Dominic he yelled trying to keep up with her. Wow when she was mad she walked fast.

My sister's useless baby daddy! She screamed

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