Daddy's Little Girls

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Anthony Ducote groaned as he rolled over opening his eyes. His wife of 20 plus years still sound asleep on her side of the bed. Her back facing him. He looked down to see his grand daughter laying sideways with her feet in his rib cage smiling up at him. A little drool coming down her chin in her Dumbo Pajamas.

He looked down at her with a smile of his own. Well good morning to you too he muttered as he picked her up. Sitting gingerly up on the bed he groaned. Making Sienna laugh in response.

Picking her back up he carried her out of the bedroom and down the steps.

At the age of 52 he would like to say he had done it all. Seen it all but he knew that was the furthest from the truth.

He got married at 19. Just because he knew he was that in love and wasn't going to be that in love ever again. Jenna came into the world a month before he turned 24. Then while just having one kid he enjoyed it. Well after not trying for awhile. Thinking they were only going to be blessed with one daughter Paige came 2 months after his 30th Birthday. A surprise to everyone.

Anthony owned a small garage on the out skirts of their small town. Where he worked on everything from ATV vehicles to dirt track race cars. Just something he preferred to do. Something he knew that he was good at.

Entering the living room he shook his head. Jenna was stretched out on the couch. Sound asleep. Then he looked over spread out in his recliner covered head to toe in a blanket was Paige.

He shook his head as he looked at Sienna. Mommy's head is gonna hurt he chuckled bouncing her up and down making her laugh. He walked into the kitchen locking her into her high chair.

After feeding her some Gerber baby puffs he made his coffee to his liking. Grabbing his cup he walked into the living room.

Walking over to the couch. He slapped the bottom of Jenna's foot. Hard.

Ow! Jenna yelled under the blanket. Pulling it off. What?! She snapped. Well good morning sunshine he responded. Don't you have your own house to lay around hung over at? Could have swore I helped you move into it.

Jenna rolled her eyes as she scooted up. Taking his coffee she looked at him.

First off. I'm not hungover. I'm just fine! It's Paige who's gonna feel like she's been hit by a semi truck. So focus on her! She smiled. Plus taking care wore me out. So now I'm here. Once you make me breakfast I might go home. I might not.

Anthony chuckled. Well then. French toast then.

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