Chapter 9

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Tris POV

1 hour. 2, 3, 4, 5. They tick by until everyone is asleep.

That is, except me.

I lie awake, in the old cellar. Stunned at Myra's similar appearance to Molly.

And her eyes. She has Tobais's eyes.

She looks -- she almost looks like Molly's twin. The one that we lost all those years ago. Impossible I tell myself. Myra's probably twice as old as Molly. And her twin didn't make it. The Erudite told us that.

But when have the Erudite been trustworthy? A voice nags in the back of my head, but I push the thought away. Impossible.

And anyways, I should sleep while I can.

* * *

Waking up the next morning, I don't expect a cold, dark, cellar.

I instead expect my warm, cozy bed back at the Dauntless compound. Or at least being curled up near Molly's bed.

But no.

Instead, I'm propped up against the damp wall, my head resting lazily against Tobais' shoulder.

Judging by the light, it can't be more than six or seven in the morning, so I begin scrounging for food before the others wake up.

Luckily, shoved in a corner is a large box of mini potato chip bags, and I begin to ration them out, taking just enough, so everyone had a good amount, but little enough so no one would know.

A handful of people left--including the guy Molly calls 'the snake man' from her dreams-- so there are less mouths to feed.

Around a half hour after I woke up, the others began to stand up and yawn, looking just  as confused as I was when I first woke up. I start to hand out the chips, explaining what they were to the people that didn't know. They ate them quickly and greedily, as most have not eaten since long before we got here.

A few ask for more, but I deny them, we don't know how long we'll be here, and we need to conserve food.

We do get more to eat, though. It's about an hour later when Myra bring an assortment of food down.

She motions for us all to sit, and asks us who we are, and how we got here.

We all introduce ourselves, explaining about the fog, and our other lives.

Myra's face gets paler by the second.

" okay?" A woman with flaming red hair -- Lily, I think her name was? -- asks.

"Yes...yes. It's just....nevermind." She shakes her head, as if banishing the thought.

Lily shares a looks with a man, whose face and arms are scarred, and has light brown hair, -- Remus, I think -- as if they know something.

"Well, I should go." Myra says, suddenly standing up. She gives a wave and hurries out.

Well that was weird.....

Just then there is a flash of green light.

The snake man was back.

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