II Foreword II

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⚠️This is a sensitive story!⚠️

The story contains mental disorders (depressions, sucide, eating disorders etc.) and is not a trivialization of these problems.

If you can't handle this kind of stuff please don't read this story. It may could be trigger something. If you can read this story, I going to write my final exams for my A-levels and the topic "mental disorders" is one of my main themes.

With this story, I want to bring you closer to these problems (which are sadly common in these days). Because the people who suffer on these disorders are not "crazy" or "disabled". These people are living in their personal hell like every day. I ask you not to write me if you suffer from personal problem or mental disorders. I'm not a professional doctor who can really help you or give a professional therapy suggestion. The story is based on a very long research and personal experiences.

I hope, after reading this story, you can understand those people and their suffer. And now a lot of love and fun while reading

💜your KittenofBangtan

P.S there is also a german version of this story : the account is ChubbyBangtan (this is the same author)

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