PoEm ThReE~LoYaLtY

176 67 78

You act like a friend,
But only want attention,
You make me praise you,
Only to get ignored in return.

You call me your friend,
But never there when I need one,
You use me for your satisfaction,
And when you're done,
You throw me away like trash,
And disappear from my life,

I want true friends
Loyal friends
Who'd be with me,
During my highs and lows,
Who'd never leave me,
Especially when I need em the most,
That's the friend I want.

They're rare,
But they're out there,
They just need to be found,
And once they're found,
They'll never be hidden again.

Dedicated to all true friends out there. 😏

Hope you all liked it😁
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