You Date

28 2 0

"Hello, Laren. Thank you for having coffee with me. this is chapter 2, and we are both still alive, so this must mean we have BIG plans ahead. Did I mention that I loved you??" I looked at the Emerald eyed girl in front of me smiling. She also smiled at me.

"Yes, you did mention that. I love you girl whose name i can't remember. So, since we are on the same page about love, I think we should take it to the next step."

"Holding hands?" I asked batting my CERULEAN BRIGHT EYES at her. She laughed very loudly throwing her head back. I was confused.

"No, silly! But you were close, I meant marriage! We have to get married. Are you down?" 


"Oh my god! I just remembered I conveniently have two wedding rings in my pocket and the barista is certified to officiate. Let's do it now!!" I stood up very easily because I did not mention this before, but I am a WHOPPING 5'10 so I am very tall. I went and told the barista I wanted to be married and so he married us together. 

"I am so happy to be your wife. I can't believe I didn't know you 2 hours ago. I am so in love it feels like I've known you forever." Lauren Jauregui the singer, songwriter activist, thinker/feeler, Cancer/Scorpio/Leo, light being having a human experience like you, and now also my wife, smiled resting her hand on my cheek.

"I am happy too." I, a depressed gay unemployed 20 year old, replied sighing. "Okaay, I'm not having fun anymore. So thanks for marrying me. I'm going to go back home and thinking about how my life got to this point. I think I will take a nap. Good night wife."

"WAit! We can't end off happy! Something has to happen!" I stopped walking looking at her. "RIght! Just like that. Stay right there and it is bound to happen." I was confused but in 12 seconds, I felt really hurt. 

It turns out, I was standing in the road and then I got hit really hard with a car. I could be dead or maybe not. I haven't decided. If I get bored again later, I will come back to life. UNtil then I am very hurt and Lauren Jauregui the singer, songwriter activist, thinker/feeler, Cancer/Scorpio/Leo, light being having a human experience like you, and now also my possible widow is very sad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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