The Past

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Katsuki Pov 

" want to know why I was pushed for you.." Izuku nodded. I took a deep breath. "We were about five at the time. We were playing in a sand pile, when out of nowhere my mom pulled me aside because she found something on my head. There were two bumps. She played with them trying to figure out what they were. She was starting to get really rough. And my ears are really I was telling her how she was hurting them. And I didn't even know what they were either. She started looking at them again. She found out what I was. I was clueless. No one knew about my ears yet. So she let me go back and play with you. The next day...was worse. People kept on whispering and gasping. They pointed. They made fun of me. They bullied me. So I started to act out from how I felt..." I paused for a moment sighing. "So..I acted out on other kids thinking that it would make me feel better. I had extremely low self esteem and confidence. My ears grew as the days went by getting more attention from adults and other kids. They started to tease me, and beat me up. That's why I always had bandages. That's also why I didn't want to talk to you about it either. I was scared that you would tease, or bully me as well. I acted tough. But on the inside I never was. One day, I was being shaken awake by my mom. She told me that she had to go somewhere and that she wouldn't take long..An hour went by..and..she didn't come back. So I went outside to look for her. But..when I went outside, there was a hoard of people rushing towards me with torches and weapons. They were yelling at me to run away and don't come back. To die. They brought my mom in front of me as they...they..they killed her...that was enough to make me go. I couldn't stand it. So I ran. I ran away until I was lost. I didn't know what to do. I had grief, sorrow, and fear. As time went by...I learned how to survive. To protect myself..make my own clothes..and shelter. I learned to live out here. And then later on, I developed fangs, and my tail. I was learning slowly. Eventually I gained speed, and my wolf form. I have one other form..but I refuse to use it unless I have to. Ever since I have been living like this." I sighed as I looked at Izuku not realizing that I was crying. He looked at me and wiped my tears away. He went and hugged me. "I'm sorry Kacchan...I didn't know you went through all that..after you were gone people teased me for my ears. But I didn't care. All I wanted was to see you again. And everyone said that auntie Mitsuki was killed by bandits...they...they lied to me...I trusted them..." Izuku's expression went from hurt, to anger. I did not expect what came from Izuku next. He had tears as he basically exploded. His eyes went red as he scrunched up his face and steam literally came out of his hands. "I FUCKING TRUSTED THEM! THOSE..ASSHOLES!! I LOOKED UP TO THEM AND THEY FUCKING BETRAYED ME!!" He looked at me and burst into tears. He just collapsed in my arms crying into my chest. I rubbed his back. "It's okay Izuku. That was in the past. You found me. And that's what's important. We were kids." Izuku looked up at me as I wiped his tears. He nodded. I stood up about to help Izuku until he yelled, "KACCHAN LOOK OUT!!" I was too slow and got impaled by a spear. It was thrown at me. But I think it had poison on the tip. Izuku went tiny and flew at the human at full speed and went normal size at the last second, the impact so strong that is stopped his heart. He ran back towards me as I collapsed on the ground coughing up blood. There was a pool of blood forming. And it was getting bigger and bigger very quickly from the wound in my chest. I knew the spear nearly pierced my heart. I started to have a seizure. When I fell I hit my head really hard. I started to foam as I was choking on my own blood. I was breathing in blood and foam rapidly. And I was breathing..hard. Whatever kind of poison was on there...I'm allergic to it. My vision started to get blurry. Izuku picked me up out of the blood somewhere clean, and on my side. I was still shaking uncontrollably, the foam was getting worse. I was still choking. I couldn't breathe. My breathing got less and less as I coughed up more blood choking on that. My face was purple as my eyes faded, and they closed. I stopped breathing entirely, as the shaking stopped as well. Everything just went black.

Izuku pov

I started to freak out. Kacchan just died from having a seizure, choking, and being hit with a spear. I looked at him and started to cry. I had found him just to lose him again. I had to do something...I pulled the spear out and sniffed it. There was..poison...? He must have been allergic to something in it. Poison takes longer to do anything. And poison doesn't cause seizures. I put Kacchan on his back and pumped his chest. Thankfully it worked. He sat up coughing spitting out all the blood. Suddenly he started to puke out all the blood that was in his mouth. I rubbed his back. "It's okay Kacchan. Just let it all out." He was puking non stop for about an hour. When he stopped he flinched in pain clutching his chest. I gently removed his hands and looked at it. I took a deep breath and lightly held my hands over the wound. Suddenly my hands got really warm as a light blue glow drifted out of my hands healing him. We both gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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