Chapter 1

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[Edited: Yes]


Bold - POVs, Authors Notes, Text Conversations
Italics - Subconscious Thoughts

::Alvara's POV::

"Aurora... I think you failed to inform me that you DID NOT LIVE ALONE." I drop my suitcase inside her bedroom and look at her. I take Seymour off of his leash and he takes off down the hallway.

"Sweetie, I thought you knew that? I mention them all the time, do I not?" She smiles innocently, raising her eyebrow in question.

"...No! You don't!" I exclaim, making exaggerated hand movements.

"Oops~" She shrugs, her smug smile getting larger.

"Rory... you didn't think to ask me how I felt living with COMPLETE STRANGERS!? Actually- let me rephrase that: GANG MEMBERS!!"

"Al, calm down. We don't do that shit anymore. We're on the down low at the moment, we haven't had any activity spark in months." She assures me, pushing my suitcase into her closet.

"Rory..." I stressfully sigh, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Okay- look, I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you?" She offers, picking up a glass of wine.

"Mmm fine, I guess so. But, if you don't mind me asking... what's it like around here?" I put my phone in my back pocket before looking over at her.

"Quiet. It's so quiet, it's almost sickening. I have to stop myself from going crazy, you can hear your own pulse." She pours us both a generous amount before handing me the glass.

"Well doesn't that sound great..." I sigh again, sipping the red liquid.

"Come on, I'll take you to meet the others. You'll like them- although, Chance is a major bitch. Also, Yoshimitsu is a flirt, so, sorry in advance." She explains, taking my wrist and pulling me into the hallway.

We walk around the mansion for what feels like hours before reaching the first floor. We finally get to the living room, where she sits down on one of the couches and pulls me down beside her. Seymour is sleeping in the floor at one of the males' feet.

"Hey, who's that?" One of the males asks. He has bright red hair and tan skin.

"This is my best friend I've been telling you about. This is Alvara." She introduces me to the others and I wave, finishing off my drink.

"Don't put that glass on my table." One of them snaps. I quickly draw my hand away from the table beside the couch and hold the glass in my lap firmly.

So he must be Chance. Great.

"Don't be such a prick, Chance. She just got here and she probably already wants to leave because of you." The redhead rolls his eyes before turning to me. "Sorry about my roommate, he's always grumpy. I'm Yoshimitsu, but you could call me yours?" He smirks before kissing my hand.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, a small smile tugging my lips. So, he's quite a charmer.

"You really need to gain maturity, Jason..." Chance grunts. Yoshimitsu looks hurt by his comment, but brushed it off by shaking his head.

"Again, sorry for him. Like I said, grumpy." His charming smile returns to his face, resulting in me smiling back.

"Well Yoshimitsu, I don't have anything to worry about since you're here to protect me..." I smirk shyly. A small blush spreads across his face before he clears his throat and turns his attention to his hands.

"I'm Irving, it's nice to meet you Alvara." One of the other males smiles warmly at me before turning his attention back to whatever book he's reading.

"You too..." I smile at him.

"Are you Latino?" Yoshimitsu asks.

"Jason!" Chance slaps his arm loudly, resulting in Yoshimitsu drawing his arm to his chest and rubbing it softly.

"What? Am I not allowed to ask questions?" He snaps, continuing to rub his arm. There's a red hand mark beginning to form where their skin came in contact. 

"That was really personal." Chance snaps back at him before sighing and then turns his head to me, "Sorry about him, he can be... rude."

"If anyone's being rude here, it's you..." I say rudely. Yoshimitsu and Irving gasp, Aurora almost chokes on her wine, and the other males just stare in shock. "It's fine though, really... but no, I am not Latino. I get that question a lot." I turn my gaze away from
Chance and back to Yoshimitsu.

One of the guys who has been rather quiet finally spoke up.

"My name is Mateo, and this is Ash." He says. Ash waves shyly at me, and I kindly smile at him.

"So, what do you think about us getting dinner sometime, beautiful?" Yoshimitsu smiles at me.

"Jason, she just got here-" Chance groans.

"Will you stop calling me Jason!?" Yoshimitsu says loudly, looking at Chance angrily.

"I'll do what I want..." Chance groans. He gets up and puts his phone in his back pocket before walking out of the living room.

"I'm sorry about him... but, about that dinner?" He returns his attention to me, the charming smile returning as well.

"Hmmm... I think we can manage that." I smile back at him.

"I know this is none of my concern... but I would watch what you say to Chance, Alvara. He can be really mean, I don't want him to hurt you." Irving places a bookmark in his book before looking up at me.

"Thank you for the concern Irving, but I can handle myself. I won't let him get under my skin, I can stand up for myself." I assure him. He nods in acknowledgment before a rather awkward silence falls over the living room.

"Well... who's hungry?" Mateo asks, breaking the silence.

"Food sounds good!" Yoshimitsu quickly agrees.

"I can cook? Since I live here now I can contribute to-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"You don't worry about it Doll~ I do the cooking around here." Yoshi smiles sweetly at me before getting up.

"Okay... if there's anything I can do though, just let me know and I can do it." I slowly place my glass on the table beside the couch, even though not even thirty minutes ago Chance advised me not to.

"As long as you clean up after yourself, you and I won't have any issues." Ash says calmly. I nod my head in acknowledgment.

"So... what kind of jobs do you guys have? If that's not too personal." I ask after a few minutes of another awkward silence.

"I'm a veterinarian sometimes, but mostly I'm the hitman. Well, the getaway driver and the weapon supplier." Ash says, rubbing Seymour's head. Seymour is such a trader, he's been with Ash since I got here! He must have specialty when it comes to dogs.

"I'm a lawyer, and I act part time." Irving says, picking up in his book where he left off.

"I'm a wrestler. I go to matches every now and then. Hey, you should come to one sometime~?" Yoshimitsu smiles at me.

"I can make that work..." I smile back at him.

"Chance is the leader. I guess he uses that as an excuse to be a bitch, I'm not sure. He rides his motorcycle a lot, too." Mateo explains, "I'm the agent. In my spare time, though, I babysit for family friends."

"Wow, I guess I'm the only one here without a profession." I think to myself.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. We can get take out- it's on me." Mateo says.

"Sounds like a plan!" Aurora says loudly, clapping her hands together before pulling me off the couch. We gather outside in the garage before deciding who's riding with who.

The Nicest Asshole // Chance Valentine X Reader // Gangsters in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now