Making Up

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Jayde's POV

-1 Month Later-

I've been to chicken to go over and talk to Oscar however I did go back to school after my talk with my dad. I even applied to some more colleges even closer to home

"Jay, you have to come. It's the first and last dance we're even gonna get to go to with you

"I'm gonna talk to your brother tonight. And I'm just not in a place where I'm ready to be in that type of setting again, Ces. I still-- I still freeze and have panic attacks when anything sounds even remotely like a gun." I say before Cesar engulfs me in a hug

"Okay, I'll be home later." He says with a small smile as he releases me

I quickly fix his tie before he leaves the house

I grab my hoodie off of the couch and quickly put it on before walking out of the front door and closing it behind me

I walk across the street and into Oscar's front yard

"Spooky here?" I ask one of the many Santo's that are scattered across the yard

"He's inside." The santo replies before I nod my head in response and head towards the front door

I take a deep breath before opening it and walking into the house

I close the door behind me before my eyes fall on Oscar sitting on the couch

"Hi." I say softly before Zoe walks out of his bedroom wearing only his shirt

I let out an exagerated laugh before turning on my heels and opening the door

"No, no, no." Oscar says as I hear his fast footsteps before he appears behind me and pushes the door closed

"Whatever you're thinking didn't happen." He says softly as his arms wrap around my waist from behind

"She's only wearing your shirt and she came out of your bedroom, Oscar." I say before resting my forehead against the cold door

"Ella se ha estado quedando en mi habitación y yo he estado durmiendo en el sofá. Y la camisa todo lo que puedo decir es que está loca." He explains before I turn around in his arms

(She's been staying in my room and I've been sleeping on the couch. And as for my shirt the only explanation is she's crazy.)

"Can I have it back?" I ask as I finally look up and meet his dark brown eyes

"Come on." He says with a small smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room

He closes the door behind us before releasing my hand and walking over to his dresser

He opens the top drawer before pulling the little black box out

He opens the box before pulling the ring out before he sets the box on top of the dresser and closes the drawer

I hold my left hand out to him with a small smile before he slides the ring back on my ring finger

We lock eyes once again before he gently grabs my face and kisses my hungrily

"Te extrañé." He says against my lips as he backs me into his bed before returning to our kiss

(I missed you.)

We fall into the bed and his arm digs into my gunshot wound

"Ow." I seethe in pain as he quickly pulls away from the kiss

"Lo siento." He says with a sad smile as he hovers over me

(I'm sorry.)

"No soy." I say before connecting our lips once again

(I'm not.)

*1 Hour Later*

"Cesar's prolly home by now, I should go." I say as I put my sweats back on

"I'll go with you." Oscar says as he sits on the edge of the bed in front of me

"No. Not while he's there." I say as his hands grip my hips

"How is he?" He asks

"He's hurt but he's making it." I say as my phone dings signaling I have a text

"Who is it?" I ask as Oscar unlocks my phone

"Jamal. He says Cesar is staying with him tonight." He says before locking my phone and setting it back down on his nightstand before gripping my hips and pulling me closer to him

"That means you can stay right?" Oscar asks with a pleading look

"I have to go take my meds." I say with a small laugh

"Then I'll stay with you." He says before he throws on his shirt and pants

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