The Bastard has a Name Now (5)

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Thomas is good

Thomas helps

Not too warm anymore

Thomas is good

Still don't trust other humans

Trust Thomas

Thomas is good

But why?


The siren merely huffed in response, causing Thomas to sigh in exasperation.

It's been three days since Jefferson and the siren have been "working" together and the Virginian has learned quite a bit.

Biology wise: he has found an incredible amount of information that could fill out an entire notebook. Or two.

For starters, the hair was thicker and harder than humans'. The slicked back mane seemed to be filled out with thin, quill-like tendrils that have the same function as human hair; just for show.

The dorsal and pectoral fins, the ones on the back of his tail and his arm, seemed much more flexible than normal fish fins. After further speculation, Thomas came to the conclusion that they didn't even have structural bones due to how much mobility a siren would need,

What Thomas found most fascinating about the siren's body was the teeth. The carer was expecting the siren to be rather carnivorous, but being an omnivore certainly wasn't out of the question. After some coaxing and a lot of negotiation, he had managed to convince the siren to let him check his mouth and oh boy-

The siren had a fucking second set of retractable teeth.

The front and prominent set was extremely similar to a human's except the canines, which looked sharper. The second set, however, looked like a depiction of an anglerfish's teeth.

Thomas definitely had enough information to fill out a notebook or two. And that's not counting on the non-biology related information.

In the past three days, Jefferson had wisely came to the realization that the siren was sentient and fully aware of most situations. He had also wisely came to the realization that the siren was an asshole.

He hasn't tried to attack him again...well not seriously.

Before Thomas figured out that the siren understood most of what he was saying and what was going on in general, the siren would often randomly jump out at the Virginian to give him a fright and a good splash. When Thomas realized that the siren would always turn around to hide his grin, he promptly called him out on his BS "self defense", as Thomas had once called it.

The siren also had a knack for knocking over or snatching anything within his reach. Like a damn cat. And if Thomas couldn't supply a good enough reason to give said thing back other than "you shouldn't take what isn't yours", he would have to say goodbye to it.

The siren had so far snatched and returned pens, a phone, a stapler, and half a piece of soggy paper that made him particularly sad upon discovering that paper can't be in water. However, he had stolen and kept pencils, pens with the ink cartridges taken out after discovering he could do that, a silicone straw Thomas had left in his reusable water bottle, a spork, and a copy of Thomas's favorite book, fully laminated, that he had for beaches and pools.

Another thing that made the siren a brat was the constant "arguments". As far as Thomas was concerned, he couldn't talk. But that didn't stop him from being able to read the siren's body language and easily interpret what the siren wanted to say.

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