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Warning: possibly the dead of the character you liked

This is also inspired by a MLP creepypasta

It was in the living room at the DexHolders' Base, there was a blackout and the only source of light was the candle on the table, silence filled the room as the DexHolders sat around the small light, looking tense

Well, not all DexHolders are here

You see, a few months ago, there was an epidemic outbreak, causing all humans needed to be quarantined in a confined state. The symptoms of the virus was cough and sudden fever, thus, scaring everyone when one person had one of these symptoms, as it was contagious and will kill the host in two weeks

Sun was the first to go, the young hardworking male had been burried sick feet under after contacting with the Virus two months ago. The next one was Moon, who had cried for days after the dead of the Saver before falling Ill as well and followed Sun to the afterlife

Platinum was devastated and refused to come out of her room for days until they found the rotting body of the Royal, who had been dead for days. Both the remaining Sinnoh DexHolders was hit very hard at this, unable to continue without their friend, both of them took their own lives by jumping off the cliff, following the noble to continue being their bodyguards in the afterlife

Yvonne was next to go, the female had tried to hid her sickness and the virus took her life in the middle of the night whilst everyone else was sleeping. Xavier was the last to leave, after losing his childhood friend who he had fallen in love with, he couldn't continue on living and took his own life the next day

Only fourteen DexHolders remained, and they were very cautious. If someone had the symptoms from the virus, she or he will need to confess and immediately be executed, it was better that way than living for two weeks and possibly infecting another one

Green was in the middle of a couch, on his left was a grieving Blue, who had lost two of her juniors that was supposed to be under her watch. On his right, Red was reassuring a frightened Yellow who was hugging him and a doll he had gave her

On another couch, there sat Gold, who for once, looked serious. Beside him was Crystal, who was also grieving for the lost of her juniors. Silver was on the other edge, who had a poker face, but in the red-head's eyes, there was grieve

On the other couch across from the Johto Trio, there sat Emerald, who had not talked since the Sinnoh Trio was gone. Beside him was Ruby, who looked horrified about the whole epidemic thing. Sapphire was beside him, fear was plastered in the face of the strongest DexHolder

Finally, on the last couch, there sat the Unova DexHolders, Black and White were locked in an embrace, trying to comfort themselves from the fear. Rakutsu and Faitsu were also trying to comfort themselves by holding each others' hand

Everything was going pretty well, until a cough was heard

"Who was that ?" Ruby asked, fear in his tone "who coughed ?"

Green's eyes scanned the fear look in everyone's faces, trying to figure out who out of the last 14 DexHolders coughed. It can't be Blue, as she was hugging him the entire time, sobbing, if she cough, he would've noticed

"Senior Yellow !" The Charmer's tone showed distress as he called the Healer "can't you do something about it ? Cure it ? Stop it ? Anything ?"

The blonde only shook her head "my power doesn't work on human, Lance had tried, but he can't cure it" she said, causing Ruby to let out a frustrated groan

"We still need to find out who coughed, who is it ?" Gold said with a serious tone "please, so we can end this quickly" he pleaded, such words never came from the Breeder

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