Class Trial Part One

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Abel’s POV
We all finally assembled ourselves unto the podiums one-by-one, no one able to look each other in the eye, as Monokuma started talking.
“All righty everyone, I will now begin a basic explanation of the class trial”, he said in a cheery tone, “All of you will discuss amongst yourselves on who you think the killer is, if you get it right, the killer also known as the “blackened”, is executed but if you pick the wrong person then all of you will be executed and the blackened goes scoot free, now then let the class trial begin!!!.”
I looked around at everyone, no one really wanted to say anything, it seemed like we had all given up, then suddenly.
“C’mon guys”, Hector pleaded, “we have to discuss this otherwise we’ll all be executed.”
Fahima looked up and said,” What’s the point anyway? we endured all this just to be back here even after we all agreed to stop this killing game, finishing this class trial won’t change anything, we might as well just end it here.”
They all looked broken and betrayed, they’d really given up, I thought. No, I won’t allow this, I had to say something.
“Hey…...everyone I know you’re upset, believe me I’m angry too that’s why I want to find the culprit, so they can be brought to justice, we can’t let them just get away with this, because if we give up now, then all the deaths of our friends would’ve been in vain and that means they died for nothing”, I looked down, ”so please I need your help, I can’t do this all on my own.”
Still no one said anything, my hands clenched on the bars of the podium.
“Fine then, I-”, I was cut off.
“I agree with Abel,” Amon interrupted. “We should be trying to find the perpetrator, sitting here and doing nothing is just what the culprit would want us to do which amounts to nothing, so let’s try and get past this for our friends, let us make sure our friends didn’t die for nothing and work together to escape from this killing game.”
Everyone was looking between me and Amon gauging whether they should all join in or not.
“Guys I also agree with them,” said Alex. “We should all do this together, and after this one, you bet there won’t be any killing again.”
As everyone began to nod or murmur in agreement, they all looked up, faces filled with determination, I shot a silent thanks to both Alex and Amon for their help in getting the trial started.
“Alright then, let’s start as we always have, let’s take a look through the Monokuma file to make sure everyone is on the same page”, Alright obviously we know who the victim is at this point.”
“It was Sergey, the ultimate footballer, he was killed by blunt force trauma to the head”, Hector says.” we also found him in the library.”
“We don’t know the time of death too, so maybe that’s the key to this whole case, I think”, Fahima says.
“Alright then, lets start with the murder weapon”, I declared.
(Present your Argument)
I started “Alright then, the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head…. any thoughts?”
“Hmmm”, Frank ponders, “blunt force trauma, that means a blunt like object was used right?”
“But there’s a lot of things that could’ve been used, says Robert.”
“Let’s try and think about the area the body was found, did anyone notice anything out of place?” Moses asked.
“Hmmmm, not really I don’t think so, then again I only looked in the library”, Zelda says.
“I didn’t notice anything strange in the Pool or the other labs either”, exclaimed Harper.
“I didn’t see anything else gone in the garden or anything that looked different though”, Fahima added.
“Then the murder weapon must be from the storage unit on the ground floor”, Frank shouted.
I opened my eyes to that statement.
“No wait that’s wrong, there was actually something off in the garden during my investigation”, I said.
“Are you sure? I checked through everywhere and nothing seemed off”, Fahima said.
“Yeah it wouldn’t at first glance but in the tools shed, there was something very odd, the mini shovel, it was damp and wet”, I stated.
“So? That doesn’t prove anything at this point “, Harper stated.
“You don’t get it, Only the mini shovel was wet and not just at the bottom, it was wet all over, like someone was trying to wash something off”, I said.
“Yeah, that is too suspicious to overlook, no matter how you look at it”, Amon said.
“Alright, then it’s agreed, the shovel in the garden was the main murder weapon”, Alex stated.
“Actually, there something else that’s been bothering me for a while, why was Sergey in the library to begin with?”, Zelda asked.
“That has been on my mind too actually, how did he end up there?”, Robert said.
“Isn’t it obvious, the culprit called him there”, Frank stated.
“We know, but how genius?”, Alex said.
“I don’t know he probably walked up to him or something and asked to meet up there”, Frank said.
“But without proof we can’t label it as anything more than a guess Frank, for all we know maybe it was a coincidence or the killer followed him there for all we know”, Alex stated.
“Wait I actually saw something weird yesterday night,” Robert said,” it was a note, I saw it near the bin all crumpled up.”
“And you’re only mentioning it now?”, Amon said in a rather suspicious tone.
“H-hey I didn’t think it would be important till it was mentioned so I kept quiet about it”, Robert defended.
“Well, what does it say?”, Harper asked.
“Alright, uhmmm… says “Meet me in the Library but come alone,”, that’s all it says, Robert said.
“Wait, you saw “meet me” and you didn’t go to check it out!!?”, Hector exclaimed.
“Hey, for all I know, it could’ve been from anytime and I would’ve but it was already nighttime by then, the library door would be closed”, Robert stated.
“A note huh?”, Frank said, “does it mentioned anything about the time he was asked to come?”.
“No, sorry, the note was like that when I found it”, Robert said.
“Great, the culprit was smart enough to not mention the time, but then how did Sergey know at what time to come to the library?”, Moses stated.
“I mean it’s kinda obvious isn’t it?”, Harper said as matter of fact, “He met him during the night,”.
“Hmmm, that sounds reasonable I guess, I think it’s safe to assume he went by nighttime”, Amon stated.
“But wait, there’s no evidence that supports that claim”, Alex stated.
“All right then, who was the last person to see Sergey last night?”, Amon asked.
“That would be me”, said Moses,” I was in the computer lab for most of the night and at some point, I saw him pass by”.
“Then it’s settled he most likely went during nighttime, Harper said.
“Wait, guys….no one saw Sergey this morning, right?”, Zelda asked.
“Uhmmm, no I don’t think so, right?”, Amon said, “No one saw him the morning after, right?”.
Everyone collectively nodded their head sideways.
“Then wouldn’t it make sense that the last person to see him is most likely the culprit?”, Zelda asked.
Everyone halted the discussion and slowly faced towards Moses.
“Moses…...?”, I said.
“Wait what?!!”, Moses exclaimed, “Wait just a minute, yes I did say I saw him but that doesn’t mean I’m the culprit!!”.
“You were the last person to see him so it makes perfect sense, you would claim you saw him but you actually killed him to give yourself an alibi, sadly it backfired that wasn’t very smart of you”, Zelda stated.
“But it’s wrong!!”, Moses exclaimed.
“Then do you have anything to refute that statement?”, Alex asked.
“Wait…uhmmm…Yeah, if I did murder him then why is the shovel still wet?”, surely it would be dry by now?”, Moses stated in a panicked voice.
“The garden is very humid and the shovel is mostly made of wood so it would take more time than that to dry, regardless of when it got wet”, Alex stated.
“Wait, you guys are wrong, seriously I’m not the culprit”, Moses shouted.
“Without a proper rebuttal we can’t really say that now can we”, Alex said as a matter of fact. 
“H-Hey wait, yeah I remember something!!!,” shouted Moses.
“Oh? so what is it you remembered?”, Alex asked.
“Yeah well, the thing is that the same night it wasn’t just Sergey I saw going up to the 3rd floor!!”, Moses stated, “I also saw Fahima going up the stairs!!!”.
“……...Are you sure about this Moses cuz’ if you’re lying… know we’ll all vote for you”, I asked.
“I’m positive, you can ask her yourself”, he exclaimed.
“Fahima…Is this true? Did you go up the 3rd floor that same night?”, I asked.
“Uhh-uhmm, y-yeah I -uhmmm, yeah I did, Fahima said, “But I was on my way to the Physics lab, I promise!”.
“Hmm, is there anyone here that can back up that claim?”, Hector asked.
“Yeah actually I was there to meet up with Robert, Fahima stated, “I was performing some experiments and he asked me if I could help him with his skates, he needed help upgrading them”.
“Robert, is this true?”, Hector asked.
“Yes, I can assure you we were together the whole time”, Robert said
“Hmmm, something wasn’t quite right with Robert’s statement, if I can remember”, I thought.
“Oh really? So, you’re sure both of you were together the whole time?”, Harper asked.
They glanced at each other wearily.
“Y-yes, I’m sure”, Robert said.
“Wait, that’s wrong!!”, I exclaimed, “Robert, what you’re saying contradicts what you told me earlier, you clearly told me that in the middle of your meeting, Fahima left for a little while to go to the toilet”.
“She just went to the toilet, it doesn’t really mean anything”, Robert said.
“Yeah it wouldn’t, if you didn’t need to pass the garden on your way to the 3rd floor toilet”, I said.
“Hmmm…so she used the meeting as a cover-up and then when she used the excuse of going to the bathroom, then entered the garden, took the shovel and murdered Sergey”, Alex explained, then washed it all and returned to the lab like nothing ever happened”.
“The bathroom is a bit of a distance away from the lab so if she wanted to, I think she could’ve done it with enough time and without Robert to suspect a thing”, Hector stated.
“Wait I’m telling you guys she really didn’t do it”, Robert said.
“Do you have any evidence to claim that? You were in the lab the whole time so you would be none the wiser”, Alex said.
“Yeah, actually there is one thing, you need your student ID to enter the garden, right?”, Robert asked.
“Yeah last I heard”, Hector said.
“Well before going to the bathroom, I can assure you she left here student ID in the lab before going off to the bathroom”, Robert clarified.
“Yeah if she didn’t have her student ID with here then there’s no way she’s getting into the lab unless someone else opened it for her, in which case they’re the most likely to be the culprit or at the very least suspicious”, Amon said.
“Hmm, so wait if Fahima didn’t do it, then could it have been Robert then?”, Frank said
“Huuhh??”, Robert exclaimed, “W-what are you talking about Frank?”.
“I mean it makes sense doesn’t it?”, Frank said,” If she couldn’t have done it then you could’ve done it, Am I right guys?”.
“…. Now that Frank mentioned it, it does make sense that it could’ve happened that way”, Harper said,” If Fahima did go to the toilet then he had as much time as her to kill Sergey and come back without being found out”.
“wait guys I didn’t do it!!”, Robert shouted.
“Robert calm down, look at all the facts, you just need to tell us why it couldn’t have been you”, I explained calmly.
“I-I know but even if, with what…. I-I-uhmmm……”, Robert blubbered.
“Great then it makes sense, Robert is the killer”, Harper said.
“I agree too, it works out”, Alex said.
“Wait guys, let’s not be too rash about this, for all we know he probably wasn’t the killer”, Hector said.
“This is bad, they think Robert is the killer because he doesn’t have an alibi...I know he didn’t do it, but what if I can change their minds…so that means......I’ll have to lie”, I thought.
(Present your Argument)
“Alright, so it’s agreed then”, Alex said, “Robert is the killer”.
“I also agree with that logic, it comes together if Robert is the killer”, Harper said.
“Wait guys I’m telling you it wasn’t me, I swear”, Robert exclaimed.
“Oh yeah, then can you explain the time between Fahima leaving and coming back?”, Alex stated.
“I-…No I can’t”, Robert said.
“Then there you have it”, Alex said, “The fact that no one saw you means it could’ve only been you”.
I opened my eyes in hard determination, “that statement”, I thought.
“Guys it couldn’t have been Robert that was the killer”, I stated.
“Huh? what do you mean?”, Alex said.
“Amon and I were out on the 2nd floor last night, we were next to the game room at the time”, I said, while also looking at Amon for him to talk, he nodded in understanding.
“Yeah he’s right we were outside walking, close to nighttime”, Amon stated.
“And we can say for sure that while we were there, we didn’t see anyone else leave the library except Fahima and she went directly to the bathroom and back”, I said.
“Wait, how does that relieve Robert of being suspicious then?”, Harper asked.
“Think about the building’s position, there’s a window in front of the game room door and it’s at an angle that can view the front of the lab and we didn’t see him leave not even once, while we were there”, I explained.
“Yep, Abel is right on this one, I was there so that means 2 witnesses”, Amon declared,” Robert has an alibi therefore he’s not the killer”.
“Well I guess that clears it up then”, Alex admitted in defeat, “Sorry, Robert I was just making sure because of our situation”.
“O-oh it’s no problem really, I understand, no need to apologize”, Robert said.
“So, what now?”, Harper asked,” We’re basically back to square 1 then!!”.
“This killer…. he or she definitely knew what they were doing”, Amon said.
“Any one have any ideas? Moses, perhaps some more detail of what you saw last night”, I asked.
“Hmmmm….no nothing really, I mean he walked up the stairs before nighttime with his normal red jersey and shorts and went up the stairs, I didn’t notice anything weird after that”, Moses said.
I widened my eyes in realization.
“…. Moses…. what are you talking about?”, I asked in confusion.
“Huh, what do you mean?”, He said.
“Sergey was wearing his black jersey when we found him!!”, I exclaimed.
“Wait, what??!!”, Hector shouted.
“Moses, are you completely sure of this?”, Amon asked.
“Yep, 100%, I’m sure he was wearing a red jersey when I saw him”, Moses confirmed.
“Wait, then this changes everything…that means…That means he could’ve been killed this morning”, I said with shock.
“But is the change in jersey color really that important?”, Frank asked.
“Yes of course it is, basically the time Moses saw him was a little before nighttime with a red jersey”, Zelda explained,” but this morning we saw him dead with a black jersey, there was no way he could make 2 trips from the dorms to the library again, because it would’ve been nighttime already and Moses would’ve seen him a second time”.
“So basically, it’s impossible”, Fahima said.
“And I believe no one saw him after midnight and the morning after before breakfast?”, Zelda asked.
Everyone nodded sideways.
“So, the only logical solution would be that Sergey went back to his room after nighttime then”, Zelda stated.
“But why then?”, Fahima asked,” didn’t the killer want to meet up with him in the library?”.
“Guys…. what if the killer never showed up?”, I asked.
“But how?!!”, Alex shouted in frustration.
“Think about it, if someone asked you to meet them somewhere, what would your next plan of action be if they never showed up at the time?”, I said.
“Hmmm…. well I would probably wait there some more and then go back to my dorm”, Alex said.
“Well then that’s most likely what happened”, I stated.
“But that doesn’t explain why he went back in the morning, I mean if I got called and the person never showed up, I would be nervous and scared when returning to my dorm room and back there the next morning”, Frank said.
“If I was the culprit and I wanted to meet someone without anyone knowing, how would I go about it?”, I thought.
“We’re at a dead-end you guys”, Fahima said.
“Seriously, anyone have any ideas as to how the culprit called him to the library the next morning without a message”, Hector asked.
“Hmmm, no so far I’m kinda stuck too honestly”, Robert said.
“Think, Think, think…...If the culprit never showed up and Sergey went back to his dorm, what’s the most likely outcome to have happened”, I thought.
“Hey, Moses, what time did you end up leaving the IT room after you saw Sergey and Fahima?”, Zelda asked.
“Hmm...uh well, since we were following the rule that we would all go inside after Nighttime, I’d say a little after the nighttime announcement was observed, so a bit before 9pm”, Moses said.
“And who was with who, right before and during nighttime?”, Zelda asked.
“Well, I was with Amon, Harper and You when we heard the nighttime announcement on the 2nd Floor, though you guys left ahead of me, I was with Moses soon after”, Abel explained.
“Yeah I saw him on my way downstairs on the other side of the building, we went down together so it couldn’t have been him”, Moses confirmed.
“I was with Alex and Hector, we were in the Ice rink”, Frank said.
“And I was with Robert in the lab till after nighttime when we returned to our dorms”, Fahima said.
“Alright so did anyone leave the group or go off at some point while you were together?”, Zelda asked.
“Yeah, Abel left the group as we were going downstairs but Moses confirmed they both met up a bit after nighttime”, Amon said.
“Oh, you brought that up huh?”, I said while grimacing, “Y-yeah I did leave the group but only for about a few minutes, it wasn’t a suspiciously long amount of time, then I met up with Moses”.
“Alright, Moses where did you meet up with Abel?”, Zelda asked.
“Huh, oh he actually bumped into me as I was going out of the IT room”, Moses said.
“Was he in the direction of the stairs or he was away from it?”, Zelda said.
“Mmmm, pretty sure away from the stairs”, Moses confirmed.
“Wait, Zelda why are you asking about everyone’s Alibi’s from nighttime?”, I asked.
“Because I thought…. what if the culprit intended to never come…? but to meet up with him after the nighttime announcements?”, Zelda said.
“H-huhh??!!!, After nighttime?”, Harper asked shocked.
“Yeah, think about it, what if the culprit’s intention was to never meet up in the library but just in front of it”, Zelda explained,” They just needed to pass on a message to him to meet him at another time”.
I gasped,” That way, the time of the murder would be obfuscated and it would be hard to try to find the person, if you don’t think on it, you won’t see it right away, the culprit also tried designing it under impossible conditions, so that must mean the one without an alibi yesterday at nighttime is most likely the culprit”, I explained.
“Yes, that sounds really plausible now that I hear it”, Amon said,” So who’s the one without the complete alibi yesterday at nighttime?”.
(Select the Culprit)
“It can only be him at this point”, I thought.
“….. Frank, your statement earlier was incomplete”, I started,” You were together with Alex and Hector but they said you left them for quite a while, where did you go exactly?”.
“O-ooh y-yeah I never mentioned it but umm, I did go to the bathroom at some point, I just didn’t think it was important at the time to mention”, Frank said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“The only way the culprit could call him is if he had the opportunity before nighttime and after nighttime to go and see him, Zelda said, “You’re in a tough position Frank”.
“W-wait, you guys think I did it?!”, Frank exclaimed.
“I mean it makes sense that it might be you, seeing as you’re the only one with an incomplete alibi during that time”, Harper stated.
“B-but I just went to the bathroom, nothing more I promise”, Frank pleaded.
“But you don’t have anyway to prove it do you?”, Harper asked.
“But… what about Abel? I mean he was also, alone wasn’t he?”, Frank said.
“Yes, he was but he wasn’t gone for nearly as long as you and he wasn’t seen coming down from the stairs at some point, plus he was with Moses right after that, but you have no one to vouch for your blank time period”, Harper stated
“Wait, Guys are you sure it’s really Frank that’s the killer?”, Alex asked, “I mean he’s a little slow most times and for him to think of all this…it doesn’t really add up”.
“Same here, I agree too, I don’t think he was the killer”, Hector said.
“What are the conditions for the culprit Zelda?”, I asked.
“well this particular one, the killer had to have time to meet up with Sergey after nighttime and also he probably left at some point before breakfast, seeing as the library is locked during nighttime”, Zelda stated.
“Who was with Frank earlier this morning and I mean the whole time?”, I asked.
“Oh, he was with me throughout the morning before breakfast, we met up in the dorms and walked around for a bit but he didn’t leave I assure you”, Robert said.
“Then it’s settled then. It couldn’t have been him”, Alex said, “If he really did meet up with Sergey the night before then he would’ve hade to go out even earlier and the library doesn’t open till 9am after nighttime”.
“So, in conclusion?”, Harper asked.
“He would’ve been out of his room even before then and Abel goes to the kitchen by 9:30 to start cooking in the cafeteria and seeing as Robert and Frank met up just before that time, I don’t think that’s enough time to go up to the library and then the garden, he would’ve made 2 trips to the garden one for collecting the shovel and the second for washing and returning the shovel and even if it was that way Robert would’ve either seen Frank coming to his dorm room or met up with him on the way there, not to mention running into Abel”, Alex explained.
“What if he hid the shovel somewhere?”, Harper persisted.
“It would be the same thing just with a little less time taken and for it to be hidden it had to be close-by so the areas are limited to the stairs and the Physics lab which was occupied”, Alex said,” Plus I believe if anyone saw a shovel in any odd place they would’ve said so by now even before the murder happened”.
“Hmm, alright I see your point, in summary Frank can’t be the killer because the conditions for killing Sergey don’t apply to him”, Harper said.
“Thanks Alex, I owe you one”, Frank said with a breath of relief.
“You can thank me by actually learning to fight your battles for once”, Alex returned,” I’ll cash in my favor after the class trial”.
“Hey, what were those conditions Zelda was talking about? Maybe if we lay them out, we can sort through everyone’s statements and pinpoint the killer that way”, Hector said.
“That actually sounds like a good idea”, said Amon,” Well basically, the culprit had to be someone who had a chance to speak with Sergey after nighttime and also have the same opportunity in the morning to kill him without anyone noticing but meanwhile also having an alibi in the process”.
“But who could’ve done it then, those conditions could be for almost anyone”, Hector said.
“yeah you’re right but- “, Amon said as he suddenly cut off his sentence, his eyes looked up like he finally realized something…. something very important.
  “……….. I know who the culprit is or at least a major suspect, this person fits into most if not all of the conditions”, He said with a concerned look on his face.
“wait what do you- “, I cut myself off as I finally realized who he was talking about the person that fit into the criteria we’re looking for, it fits so well that it would be this person but yet we never noticed, I looked around all the 9 faces around me, ready to select who our main suspect is and who was most likely to be the blackened.
This person… it can only be you!!!


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