For Starters

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This is a cute little idea I came up with after I named my first set of asterisks (you know...these things: ***) a couple of days ago.

I had seen that no one had named the three stars and thought to myself, "Aha! It's my turn!". I may or may not have cackled evilly.

Well, my friend, it is now your turn to name stars...

A note before you begin...

Chapters will be titled a certain emotion and what ever emotion you are feeling that day, select that page and name an asterisk.

Chapters will also have a sentence or two about the emotion... Some inspiration or hope, if you'll take it. Give your own advice too!

Have fun with names, but please refrain from being repulsive or vulgar... I will remove comments if I feel the need to.

I hope you feel the same satisfaction as I did when you name the stars.

Now, one more thing: if you see that there is an emotion that is not yet a chapter, feel free to Private Message me as this is the one way you know for sure I will reply and add your emotion. Credits will go to you, too.

Also! I am completely open to pictures/covers for each emotion, again, just PM them to me! (Credits go to you).

Now, pick a star, any star, and name away, my friends!


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