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I slammed my car door closed and walked inside my quiet medium sized suburban house.

"MOM IM HOME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I walked up the stairs and into my plain white bedroom. You know one of those hotel rooms that you're afraid to do anything with because it'll get dirty? Yeah that's my room. I loved my room though, It's really quiet, I have my own bathroom, a decent sized closet, I was happy nonetheless.

I plopped down on my fluffy queen sized bed parallel to my big bay window with a view of the house infront of us and a faint view of the shadows of the Appalacian mountains. We lived fairly close to them but I never really wanted to-and was scared to- drive up and down the mountains. It was really dangerous.

I checked and flipped through Twitter and Instagram as usual, the white girl selfies, the ghetto chonga sit on sink pose and the common wihite girl tweeting about how much she hates her mom for not taking her shopping this weekend.

Oh, and let's not forget about the frat boys talking about the next big party and getting laid.

My love for this generation is so great that even I can't believe how it exists. (Note the sarcasm)

"Bzzzzz...Bzzzzzz....Bzzzz" I heard my phone vibrate.

"Ughhhh" I sighed and lifted myself off my bed to my phone that was charging on my night


I yanked the charger cable out of my phone and walked back over to bed and sat criss crossed.

I unlocked my phone and checked my messages.

"Hey beautiful, it's Christian." Read the message,

I texted back "Seriously? 'Hey beautiful' Can't you think of anything else."

I felt a little sassy, I have to admit.

I felt my phone buzz as I was reading a book for my English class.

"Ouch, that hurt a little tally"

"Tally?" I texted back.

Withing seconds he texted back, "My new nick name 4 u, isn't it the best ;* "

Me: No

Chris: Why

Me: Because my name is Thalia

Chris: Call me Chris

Me: First name basis, pls?

Chris: No

Me: Srsly, Christian?

Chris: It's Chris, and yes srsly Tally

Me: I give up.

Chris: Soooo can I call u Tally or do u like Talls better?

Me: Don't push it, Chris

Chris: Okay Tally it is then

Me: What are you texting me for?

Chris: A civil conversation with a civil human being.

Me: I doubt that, no I'm not send you nudes, no I'm not having sex with you and no I'm not sucking ur package. Lets just get that out of the way.

Chris: Woah, woah, woah, who said anything about that?! I'm very offended u would think I'm texting you for that!

Me: :/ You know you were

Chris: Well I wasn't going to be rude and imply that so soon bby ;*

Me:I'm wasting my time.

Chris: No! Wait! I'm just douching around w/ u!

Me: What do u want Chris?

Chris: Well...are you seeing anyone atm?

Me: Like legit atm or in general, atm? (ATM= At the moment lol)

Chris: In general

Me: No, But why would you want to be see me? I'm like a nobody at this school literally and you're so known and shit. Plus you have a very sexual reputation and I'm not about that :/

Chris: To answer your question, idc, I'm known because people like to be around me. What can I say I'm a fun person.

Me: Tahaha, yeah okayyy, but seriously why would you want to be seen around with me? I'm a nobody and no where near as hot as the girls you have wrapped around your finger.

Chris: You're sexy whether you see it or not. Those girls are all the same, you know why I haven't dated since freshmen year?

Me: No

Chris: They're all the same. 

Me: LOL Okay.

Chris: I'm glad I can make you laugh

Me: Yeah, whatever

Chris: Anyways, you're the only girl I see in school thats not like that.

Me: My friends are not like that.

Chris: Your friends are not like you

Me: I'm going to ask again, What do you want from me, Chris?

Chris: I just want a girl I can talk to. 

Me: I hear ya.

Chris: If I were to fuck someone right now it would be you in a heartbeat <3

Me: How thoughtful

Chris: You have no idea how sexy I find you ;)

Me: I find myself pretty sexy too

Chris: LOL, you're not so serious yourself.

Chris: You can always come to me if you need something ;)

Me: Thanks for the offer...

Chris: I mean it!

Me: Whatever Chris

Chris: I'll see you tomorrow, sexy?

Me: Mhm

Chris: Blow me a kiss ;*

Me: NO

Chris: Please?


Chris: Bye tally ;) Call me if you're horny later ;*

Me: Is sex jokes your defense mechanism or something?

Chris: No, it's my peepee saying what it wants ;)

Me: Gross, okay, bye

Chris: Byeeee :*

I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. I never thought someone would want me in a way that he does. And he has the guts to tell me in my face.

Well, phone to phone. I still don't believe he wants me in that way. I'm too fat for someone like him. Maybe he doesn't know it yet and is making me feel like what he's saying is true and then going behind my back and making fun of me to his friends?

He's risky buisness. I don't think I wan't to deal with someone like him. I decided on taking a hot, relaxing shower before heading off to bed and thinking about the endless opportunities that could go further with Chris, good or bad, who knows?


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