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so basically. i have the most random thoughts and feelings. but of course, i've gotta act sane so my parents don't put me back in therapy-

but the hours where most people are asleep are when i party.

welcome to: dasaniholywater

once upon a time i decided it'd be a good idea to sneak out to go to target right before closing hours and buy brownie mix, right? right.
enter: momther bear.

"child, pray tell, are you venturing out?"

"oh momther bear how i crave the cheddar."

"lies my child."

to the depths of my cave i traipsed back, mourning my lost cheddar. so my friend satan was summoned.

"asa my dude."

"dasaniholywater u can't just use satanism as an excuse to not do your online school."

"o wise one explain to me why the sun shines brightest when you look it straight in the eyes?"

"you, young thang, are something else."

"and you, old thang, are old."

so i proceeded to yeet satan into heaven to kill him and i became ultimate.

i'm functioning on three hours of sleep and i'm THRIVING.

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