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"... And so, the princess and her prince lived happily ever after."

I looked over to my right to see Megan sound asleep beside me on the bed, bubbles come floating out of her mouth once in a while.

It was yet another tiring day for me and the kids.
The same old schedule.

I'm only in my early twenties and have already taken in the job of being an ymbryne.

I sighed and shut the story book close, getting off the bed and putting it back on the bookshelf where it belonged.

"Miss Raven?"

I turn around to be met with Ethan.
Despite being loud and energetic often, this boy sleeps the least.
Never needed it like the rest of us.
And he is a light sleeper.

"Why is there a strange looking robot outside of the house?" He said, pointing outside the curtain covered window behind me.

I quickly ripped apart the fabric to reveal a horrifying sight before me.

A red beam shooting down from the strange aircraft and sucking up everything in its way.

My eyes widened with fear.
The kids burning down the bar nearby and now this? You've got to be kidding me.

"Ethan," I turned towards the boy, "Get your siblings ready. I need you all in your clothes with your bags packed. We don't have a minute to waste."

He ran out of the room as soon as I finished my sentence.

I grabbed Megan's clothes and any other necessity needed for the trip. I don't know how long we might be gone for.

After packing some food and a pocket knife into my bag. I picked up the little sleeping girl and went or go check up on the others. The unknown ship is probably closing in by now. We must hurry.

I speed-walked down the hallway to the other's rooms to see them packing their bags.

I told them to meet me at the front door in 5 minutes if they needed to go to the toilet or do some last minute checking.

"Miss Raven? What's happening?"
Megan woke up and was rubbing her eyes with her hands.

I gently removed her hands from her eyes and told her this was just a little trip to see a friend.
I couldn't get myself to tell her the truth.
She was just six.
She shouldn't be burdened by the ugly truth at such a young age.

I kept glancing at my watch and looking out the window. The view this up close only terrified me more.

Multiple footsteps trampled over the grass, running towards the direction of our house with an army of heavily armed soldiers trailing behind them, holding guns of some sort. They were all dressed in a dark maroon coloured armour.

Who are they? What are they? Why are they with the Hollows? How did they get here? How did they get through the timeloop?

It scared me to think that they may be here to hurt the kids. As troublesome as they are, I'm still here to protect them. And this isn't any other excuse not to.

"Miss Raven how are we going to get past them?"

Marc's voice rang clearly through the empty house.

"Raven" • Voltron and the PeculiarsWhere stories live. Discover now