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"...And once again, my dear audience, we have the Champion of the ring, the Ace with no mercy, Killer of all creatures, Monster of the burning hell, Manipulator of time, the prized fighter, please welcome, my fellow Galrans, The Raven!"

Ferocious cheers were heard from all around me as the announcer said my alias. Once again, from my new routine, I picked up my weapon of choice, a little pocket knife, perfect for close combat.

I stand in front of the door that kept us prisoners hidden from view and turned towards the others, the scene made me think back to when I first entered the ring.

"Let go of me! Where are you taking me?!"

I screamed and yelled and kicked but the guards wouldn't budge.

They didn't even flinch when I threatened to rip their eyes out of their sockets and made them eat it if they didn't stop.

As soon as we arrived at the end of a hallway, the guards led me to a room with others being held captive. They grabbed me by my shoulders and flung me into the room. I landed with a thud and let out a groan. Damn little shits.

Someone helped me up as I tried to get my focus back from the harsh fall.

I looked around the room to see a few shelves filled with weapons. Did they really trust us to the point where they would put these weapons here?

I was pulled back lightly when I found myself mindlessly walking towards the shelves filled with weapons that could help me get out of here.

"You don't want to do that."

I heard a masculine voice talking to me. It sounded... familiar...

I turned around to be met with a young man my age. "W-what, how? I-I thought... you're human?"

"Yes, yes I am. And I've been here for sometime. But we can't talk here."

"What do you mean? There aren't any sentries here-"

He put a finger on his lips and shook his head 'no'.

I frowned but didn't push the topic any further. He made it clear it wasn't safe to talk here and I'd rather not risk my life for the little information I might've gained from the boy.

Soon, a gigantic door I didn't realise was there next to the shelves, opened.

I couldn't resist as I whispered quietly "Open sesame..."

As the door slowly lifted, a sudden bright light blinded me, I attempted to shield my eyes from the light but didn't want to look away due to the loud cheers.

What is going on?

It seemed as though one of my greatest nightmares has become reality as I saw a crowd of purple creatures cheering at the horrible scene before me.

I saw the scene with the perfect front row view. That was when I knew life here was just about to get so much more complicated than just sitting around in a cubicle moping.

"Oi! Raven!"

Raven. That was my name. My identity. The only form of identification I have left.


"No need to get so aggressive..." I mumbled under my breath, hoping my opponent wouldn't hear me.

The large hyena-looking alien started running (or is it galloping? I couldn't really tell) towards me. He swung his axe at me as I crouched down as to avoid his sloppy attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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