The Sponsorship

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Two pairs of Shoes could be heard clacking in the Maplewood rich hallway. Their names? Y/n and Riley. They have been called in by 'Maplewood Tanks', a new company built for sponsoring Sensha-do for males.

Riley: "Hey, Riley. Why do you think we've been called down here by Maplewood Tanks?"

The footsteps continued clattering on the hardwood floors, along with the occasional muffled scuffing due to the red medium sized rugs scattered throughout the building.

Y/n: "I don't know to be honest. But maybe because this new company is a new sponsor for male Sensha-do, maybe we have been chosen to join the new schools?"

Riley: "Whatever it is, it must be important if we were requested to meet with the head of the company himself."

The conversation and footsteps stop as they face an oak door with opaque class and a gold plaque in front, with the words 'Head of Maplewood Tanks' etched on it. Y/n and Riley argued in whispers on who should knock the door, eventually Riley relented and knocked after figuring out continuing to argue would get them nowhere.

Riley knocked the door three times and after hearing a muffled "Come in", they opened the door and went inside the office. The office was entirely made with Maple wood, from the desk to the walls, and floors. There was even a miniature version of his office made with maple wood.

On one wall was a display case for tank and aircraft models along with the Canadian flag hanging above the display case, while the other wall contained another display case, but for blueprints for aircraft carriers. Above that display case was a photo of none other than Guy Simmonds.

And in the back of the room laid the Maple wood desk with small stacks of papers on one side while a pen and jar of Ink along with a cup of coffee were on the other side.

The man sitting in the desk looked to be in his mid-thirties. His face looked friendly and he had long brown hair that was tied up in a braid that matched along with his hazel coloured eyes. The suit he wore was a navy blue while his tie was red. His shoes were red and white in a zigzag pattern.

???: "Good morning gentlemen. I hope you both had a pleasant walk over to my office here."

The Head of the company said as he stood up. He began walking over to Riley and Y/n, intending to shake their hands.

Y/n: "It was indeed pleasant. We enjoyed the the sight of the hard wood floors."

Riley: "And not to mention the smell of the place. It always smells like maple syrup now that I've begun to notice."

As they were speaking they shook hands with the Head of the company and he began introducing himself so they could get down to business.

???: "My name is John Alexander Soto. But please, call me Soto. And as you may already know, I own Maplewood Tanks. Do you have any questions?"

Riley: "I have some questions sir. Why have you called us down to your office?"

Soto: "Well, as you know, there has been talks among the JSF about opening schools for the male population and introducing them to Sensha-do."

Y/n: "Are the rumors true then? Will we eventually get to experience the art of tankery for ourselves?"

The prospect of one day entering a school that allows males into Sensha-do, that was what excited both Y/n and Riley. But a question rushed to Y/n's head. 'What about the female leadership?'

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