Say It.

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A/n : Kimetsu Gakuen AU


"Tomioka-sensei?" The 3rd grade senior high school girl poke the right arm of her-secret-boyfriend.

The man himself stay still like a big rock.

Suddenly he close a distance between them two as he leaned closer to his pupil.

"W-w-wait Tomioka-sensei what are you doing?" The girl make a significant distance between herself and her man.

There he was, just look at his girlfriend eyes blankly

But Shinobu already know her man is hiding something.

"What's wrong hmm?" She cupped his face.

"Nothing" He loosen up himself from Shinobu. He walk away from the corner of library where they were standing before, as he has to attend next PE subject.

The girl is stunned with the disbelief as she feels her boyfie kinda reject her.

•  •  •  •

She was enjoy her lunch with Aoi and Kanao until she opens her mouth

"Ne, Aoi-chan Kanao-chan how would you know if your boyfriend is being mad at you?" She ask as she only stirred her mash potato and vigorously shredded the poor grilled chicken.

Kanao and Aoi stare at each other as they start to match their answer.

"I think when he start giving you a silent-treatment"
"And also when he seems hesitant to make a move on you."


Her man is mad at her. And now she only has to found for the reason.

Her expression is saddening as she hears their kouhai state their opinions.

She already take-off her lunch tray with a abundant leftover of mash potato and shredded grilled chicken.

Little did she knew her man is observing her behavior right from the start of the lunch hour.

•  •  •  •

After the lunch, the girl can not really concentrate on what her teacher has said. She just seems spacing out, this is contrary what she what always do, answering or asking every single things to the teacher.

She continues her wondering even after the bell to go home has already ring.

•  •  •  •

'Did I said something that hurt him severely?'

'Are he already tired of our relationship already?'

'Does he has another girl? That bastard–'

Those mind were stopped as she feels her head is bump at a kinda soft but muscular things–Tomioka Giyuu chest.

"Watch your step ojou-san, you really have a big chance to jump into a construction hole with these way of walking" He remind his girlfriend.

She looks upon her boyfriend and not long after she start to shed a tears

"HUUUUUAAAAAAA TOMIOKA-SENSEI I AM SORRY" She start to cried hard out of nowhere.

Of course the sight really invite a curious glance from the people and he start to panic.

"Ssshhh ssshhh why are you crying Honey?"

She tilt her head up and start to rambling several question rapidly.

"Am I made a wrong words toward you? Do you already feel bored and tired of our relationship? Do you find another one that more fit to your preferences?Am I not that eno–"

Her words halted by a sudden kiss by a man in front of her.

They snog each other face until both of them really need oxygen to make their respiration is working well.

"I am sorry to make you overthink, I don't know such action would mess you up like this"

"No, for God saks I don't have any other girl, never in my mind I would like to find other girl"
"What do you mean by tired? Ndver crossed in my mind of getting bored and tired of you"
"And yes, you have hurt my heart a little"

"What it is hun?"she replied with wondering eyes.

"It is when you said to your classmate that you don't have a boyfriend"


It was when they have a transition of a subject to another when she is being asked by her friends

"Shinocchi, I never seen you hook up with a man? Considering you're the one of three goddess here it's kinda weird you know"

"Ah Kinoecchan I would like to enjoy my last year of high school without a complicated love story also you know I have set my target clear right?" She answer her friends question as inside sue cringed hard of the bullshit she spit right now.

Kochou Shinobu is a strong candidate for Pharmaceutical study in the Tokyo University, she even have the teacher recommendation. It's like a step towards the dream.

Tomioka Giyuu hear her words as He tried to conceal the scars in his heart.

•  •  •  •

She gasped as she thought he won't ever heard her

She feels deeply sorry by her words. She also don't think It would affect him that much.

"I am sorry Tomioka-sensei, I hope you forgive me for what I have said" She said as she looked down on her feet.

"Okay I forgive you"
"With a condition–"
"Everytime you are asked about a boyfriend please say 'I have a boyfriend but you all don't have to know yet~💕" He said with mimicking Shinobu's intonation.

Shinobu has no other choice but to stare her boyfriend with a disgusted face.




If you find a ooc-ness in Shinobu or Giyuu character it is solely because I believe people are slowly change their image in front of their lover.

And somehow, I have a more idea flowing in my mind rather than write in the canonical settings dunno why.

Hope you all like it

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