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Hi again. I don't own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Thanks to @NoblesseFan820 I now have an idea to base the entire story. And this is another one of my favorite songs. Anyways, ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Luna's P.O.V

Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and I were going out to train. Then this random thought hit me. I don't really look like any of them.

Like I mean, I know that Kankuro looks alot like father.

And I know that Father has reddish hair. Okay, I'm lying, it's more pink than red, but I bet Gaara just inherited it, except fuller.

Temari looks so much like mother, it's almost hard to tell the difference. The only thing that you can use to tell them apart is that one is alive and the other is dead.

Then I really thought, I don't really look anything like father or mother. I mean, what if I'm adopted? I probably am. Should I go ask father? Probably not. He'd probably kick me out if I do.

Oh well, I really wanna now. I thought. 

"Deep breaths, okay Luna, you can do this." I whispered. "Hey guys, I'll be back. I just wanna check something" I yelled to the others.

"Okay, just come back soon. You need to practice for the chunin exams." Temari replied back.

I ran through the busy streets of Suna to the Kazekage's building.

I walked through the hallway the Kazekage to find fathers office. I stopped in front of his door only to hear this:

(cue music at 0:33)

"Hello. Salute! It's me your duke

And I made something that's real to show you. How I feel.

Hello hello! It's me Picasso!

I will paint my words of love

With your name on every wall!

When you leave my colors fade to gray,

Ooah ooah hay! Ooah ooah ooah hay!

Every word of love I used to say

Now I paint it everyday!

When you leave my colors fade to gray.

Oh little lover stay or all my colors fade away!

Every word of love I used to say,

Now I paint it everyday!"

(end the music if you want)

I covered my mouth and home and into my room. 

"Oh! My! Gosh!" I yelled, while rolling around on my bed. Covering my mouth so I wouldn't laugh so much.  "I-I........ it's just! I can't even! I've never herd father sing before! He does sound pretty good! Ha ha!"

"Luna? Luna! Is that you?" Temari asked.

"Yeah, do you need anything?" I said while trying to recover from my laughing spree.

Temari came into the my room and stood by the doorway.

"Did you get what you asked for?" She asked again.

"No, but I've got a question for you," I started. " am I related to you, Kankuro, and Gaara?"



Mwa ha ha! I left you with a cliff hanger, I'm so evil. Sorry for not updating for a while, well five days.

This ones a little longer then the other two.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment too!

Peace out fam!

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