"Wait who?!"

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Both me and Sweetpea dropped our untensils in unison.Nessa's face drains of all colour as she shrieks the words "He changed,he really did." She reasured us."We're married". My eyes widen more than I believe is humanly possible as I shake even more.

Fearing the worst I unclenched Sweetpea's fist and guide him to outside our trailer.He jerked slightly but complied as I said "Give us a moment to process..please".My childhood friend gives a small nod with worry in her eyes as she see's the the grip my beau has on my hand. I give her a small smile showing I'm fine and exiting the trailer.

Tears well up in my eyes as Sweetpea released his hand from mine pulling me into a hug.I can feel him loosen up as he looks down at my dissapointed face.Who?,what?,when?,where?,why. All of those thoughts crowd my mind until a rev of an motorcycle breaks the deafening silence.Both me and Sweetpea's head snap up as we reach for our pocket knives.Off of the bike comes no other than the beanie headed Jughead Jones.

"Hey Cors," He said adjusting his jacket as we put away our weapons.I had told Betty I would cook them dinner but asked her if her or Jug could collect it. "I'll be right back.." I mutter with a slight smile as I tiptoe into the house without a sound to collect the container.There on the couch sat Nessa in the same place we left her a frown apon her face as she texts someone on her phone.

I walk back outside and hand Jughead the container.I then take out a cigarette and hand one to Sweets.We both light and take a puff at the same time letting the familiar aroma fill our noses."Bad day?" Jughead asks with a concerned expression."You wouldn't believe," Pea says taking another puff as I did the same.As if on cue Jughead waves us goodbye and leaves.A few minutes pass and I have already finished my first cigarette."I need a drink," I whisper goose bumps covering my arms and Sweetpea agrees pulling me closer to warm me up.

An expensive looking Mercedes pulls up in front of my house as I light another roll and taking a puff.I could tell who it belonged to from the outline of the figure inside.Sweets leans against the wall instead of shouting and pushes me even closer to him kissing my head before he blows out another puff of smoke.

A/n: are you enjoying the book so far? Dont be scared to give feedback. I post around every half an hour.

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