Jaymi Hensley Halloween One Shot For @Love1DUnionJ ~

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I sighed as I put on my onesie, I wasn't in the mood for anything tonight. I pushed my hair out of my eyes as I searched for the perfect horror movie to watch, they didnt really phase me, and it wasnt like I'd have anyone to watch it with, my boyfriend was currently out partying, I knew he loved Halloween.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I sighed again as I reached for a bowl of sweets to give the trick or treaters as a nice gesture. I opened the door and chuckled at the sight I saw, Jaymi was dressed up as a vampire, the face paint, blood, fangs, the lot. It was hard to believe he was 22 years old. He then raised his eyebrows as he said ''You gonna let me in then after you've finished laughing or what? Its freezing out here'' I stepped back as I greeted him in.

''Why are you in your onesie? Your coming to the party with me'' He spoke

''No I'm not Jaymi, I'm staying here, I cant be bothered to get drunk, not tonight''

He pulled his expression into a sad one, knowing this would usually have me wrapped around his finger, but not tonight. ''Pwetty pwease Lee Lee?''

I crossed my arms, and now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows. ''Do not call me Lee Lee! And no I'm not budging, I'm going to watch a horror movie by myself, in my onesie, in peace and quiet, thank you'' I said as I turned around and walked towards the living room, when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist as Jaymi kissed my cheek.

''I'll stay here too then'' He replied

''I'm sure you can spend one night without me Jaymi'' I spoke, even though the thought of spending more time with him made my heart flutter.

''Well, I dont want to. What film we watching?'' Jaymi asked

''Nightmare on Elm Street'' I chuckled

I settled down on the couch while Jaymi went to fetch some food, like it was his own home. He brought back with him the big bowl of sweets I was told to give to the trick or treaters. ''They're for the trick or treaters!''

''They can go without'' He replied as he settled down next to me and we started to watch the horror film.

I was getting tired of it now, I wasnt really bothered, it wasnt that scary, I turned to Jaymi to see a horrified expression plastered on his face. I chuckled quietly to myself. About 30 minutes into the film Jaymi spoke up.

''Leah?'' He asked

''Yes Jaymi'' I replied, turning my head to face him.

''Are you scared?'' He asked another question


''Well can you pretend to be scared then?'' He asked, I was confused now.


''So I can cuddle up to you?'' I laughed at this cheesy, yet romantic thing he'd just said.

''Ooh I'm so scared, I wonder who could protect me from this scary film?'' I spoke sarcasticly as Jaymi lightly punched my arm as I leant into his chest and he stroked my long brown hair.

''You know something?'' Jaymi spoke again.

''I really love you''

This was the first time in the relationship that Jaymi had told me that he loved me, I was abit taken aback, it was abit of a perculiar time to tell me he loved me, but at that time, it didnt really matter. It was the perfect moment.

''I love you too Jaymi Hensley'' I replied as I looked up and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

He smiled as we continued to watch our film, it was by far the best Halloween I'd had yet, even if it wasnt as scary as intended.

Hope you like it Leah, not one of my best pieces of work I'll admit, and it wasnt very Halloweeny but I'm not really good with all that stuff lol... Hope you like :) xx

Jaymi Hensley Halloween One Shot For @Love1DUnionJ ~Where stories live. Discover now