Day 1: Firsts

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Every year on this day, he had always felt a sense of calmness about him.

How could he not feel that way? Today was the day He met the love of his life. Marinette Dupain-cheng.

That girl, she was a living, breathing beacon of hope. She always prioritised others above herself. Always willing to drop whatever she was doing to help someone in need.

That's how they met actually.

"The name's Marinette, a.k.a Scarlett Luck," She winked at him cheekily, "Batman's newest protégé. Nice to meet you! You must be the current Robin" She stuck her hand out to shake.

Caught off guard by her utterly unfazed reaction of him glaring, the corner of his lips pulled up, slightly.

"Damian Wayne," He said, grasping her hand. She had a strong grip, he'll give her that.

Marinette had been there for him the way no one else could. Not even Richard. Marinette had guided and supported him through all the tough events in his life. She had never poked around in his business, rather waiting when he was comfortable enough.

Damian had been in the middle of changing out of his Robin suit after patrol.

"Damian! Alfred told me t-" She stopped dead in her tracks. Both of their eyes went wide.

Damian froze. He's never let anyone see his back. Not even his father knew. He's never been this careless.

He was expecting pity, maybe something along the lines of 'I'm so sorry' . But instead Marinette just silently came closer and hugged him. He didn't realise he had been so.. touch starved until she did that.

Before he could truly cherish the hug, Marinette pulled away. Smiling softly, she looked up at him and said, "Damian, I know you've been through a lot," Mari reached for his hand and squeezed gently, "It's not my place to ask, but if you ever need to.. let it out, just know I'll always be here."

He didn't know what to say to that. So he just nodded, portraying all of his emotions and thoughts into that one gesture.

The highlight of Damian's life, you ask? Well, there's only two major events in Damian's life that he would cherish until his dying day.

The day he finally got up the courage to put a ring on the love his life.

Saying that he was nervous would probably be the understatement of the century. He was finally going to do it. He was going to propose to Marinette. He had this whole thing planned out, courtesy of some help from Alfred and Richard that is.

Sadly, the universe seemed to be against him, even at s time like this.

The Joker escaped Arkham and the problem took literal hours to handle.

He ended up foregoing the whole plan.

Arriving at the Batcave, suits still on, he wakes up to Marinette, and kissed her.

"What was that for?" She had asked, while giggling.

He got on one knee and reached for the ring he put in his suit.

Marinette gasped and out her hands to he mouth.

She said yes.

There was also the day another beacon of light and hope was born into his life. His daughter, Kalila 'Kalie' Wayne.

He cherished every moment he had with her.

Her first steps.

Her first words.

Her first day of school.


Staring at the words in front of him, he could only think of one thought.

"I wish you could've been there with us, love."

In loving memory of,

Marinette Wayne

2003 - 2030

Loving mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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