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Stiles P.O.V

Talking to Derek a few weeks ago made me think of home and how much I miss it. I've been kinda depressed lately with being alone and no one knows about it. Scott hasn't even replied to my messages. I'm worried if I go home my dad won't let me leave his sight if he finds out about my depression. I guess I can fake it till I make it. I packed my things I need, I hoped in my truck since my Jeep is out of commission and started driving to beacon hills. The drive is super long. I stopped a for some curly fries and gas , sometimes coffee.
The scenery was beautiful, all I can think about is how I haven't left my flat in a long ass time. I switched mostly to online.
I kinda cried at the thought of being alone for so long. Only person I've spoken to recently is my dad. And occasionally Derek would say hi here and there but I kinda haven't answered. Hopefully I can avoid his broodiness and questioning when I make it home. Here's to a few more hours of driving.

Derek P.O.V

Sheriff Stilinski asked me to meet him at the station. He claimed it was urgent , so I hoped in my Camaro as soon as I seen it.
It was pretty busy in the station. The sheriff was in his office.
"Derek Hale"
"Hello Noah, you said that you needed to tell me something urgent?"
"Yes, um, Stiles is coming back to town today"
My mouth went agape , hoping that Noah didn't notice, even though his smirk confirmed he did. He chose not to say anything about it.
Finally I spoke "Do you know how he's been lately? He hasn't responded much to my texts"
" He's been kinda short in responding to me as well, so i guess we'll find out when he arrives" the sheriff sounded sincere on not knowing either.
I left him to go back to his work.
I was thinking he wanted me here for a case.....
Leaving the station all I can think about is Stiles.
I'm going home and going to sleep.

Stiles P.O.V

Seeing the beacon hills sign made my heart start beating a thousand miles a second. Crap! I suddenly need to pull over. I'm so dizzy and nauseous, next thing I knew my curly fries came back up. I got back in my truck and started driving to my house. I was supposed to meet my dad at the station but I sent him a text because I'm not feeling well. He understood and said he'd be home later.
Getting to the house I locked the truck, got in the house and went straight up to my bedroom. I wasn't in the mood to unpack. I laid in bed instead.

Derek P.O.V

(Italique is dreams or flash backs)
"Stiles! Where r u" I kept running trying to look for him. I hear his breath hitch. Don't worry I'm coming.
"No, no no no!" I pick Stiles up in my arms, his abdomen covered in blood.
"Der, I..I lo..."

I woke up sweating In panic. It's just a dream. I feel the slight weight lifted off my shoulders. I look at the time and it's midnight. All I can think about is Stiles and that he should be in town by now. I'll have to go see him in the morning.
I lay in bed tossing and turning for hours on end.
Why can't I get him out of my mind.
Why am I having nightmares.
I kept laying in bed in the quiet.

I realized my door was opened and I suddenly hear silent cries from the living room.
I get out of bed and put some jogging pants on. Walking down the stairs I see Isaac on the couch faced crunched up crying in his sleep.
I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder trying to wake him up.
"Isaac, I'm here pup. Come on , wake up"
"Derek" he curled up on my lap.
"I'm here, your okay"
"It's like I was loosing him all over again" he was referring to his dad.
I was comforting him until we both fell back to sleep.

Stiles P.O.V

Waking up I felt really groggy, I heard my dad in the kitchen. He's probably making food.
Walking downstairs I can smell waffles and bacon. My favourite breakfast meal.
"Morning Stiles"
"Hey dad"
"How was the drive here?"
"Uh.. it was good"
"You okay son?" Oh boi.
"Yeah dad, just tired"
He hands me a plate with orange juice but I don't feel to hungry. Still not feeling to well from yesterday evening. I think I'll just have the orange juice.
"Listen Sti, I know you just got home yesterday and I'm sad to make this visit short, but you know how work is. I gotta leave shortly and won't be back till late again"
"It's okay dad, I'm and adult now so I understand completely"
"Love you"
" love you to dad"
He started to leave out the door.
"Hey Stiles!"
"Yea dad?"
"Why don't you hangout with some of your friends today"
Little does my dad know I'm going back to lay in my bed all day. Before going back upstairs I brought the plate with me in case I get hungry and so dad doesn't ask questions.

Nice, warm, comfy bed. I slowly doze off. I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the front door, I've only been sleeping for a couple hours. I really don't want to get out of bed. Who would come here if not needing my dad.
I open the door..

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