Part 3-cheating alligations

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Dixie pov:
I woke up at 9:30 still snuggled into griffin's chest, I just layer there not wanting to get up. I felt so safe and comfortable in griffin's arms I never wanted to leave them but sadly I did. After i woke up I noticed my phone was blowing up with notifications from Twitter. The first thing I notice is tweets from Tayler, this can't be good I go to look at them and it him saying I cheated on him with griffin. We weren't even ever together how could I cheat on him but it doesn't stop there the amount of hate I was getting from Tayler fans and griffin's fans saying I was such a bad person and that they both deserved better. It was every where, Tayler has posted it on every social media possible and he must have told all his friends this because they were all coming at me. Even my "fans" were attacking me saying they thought we better than this or I wasn't this type of person or giving me threats. I didn't know what to do, I just broke down into tears. Which definitely woke griffin up because with a minute he was up comforting me and asking what was wrong. When I told him what happened he got really angry. "I'm gonna go get Addison" he said pacing around my room "why I don't want addi right now" I said still bawling "well while I go kick taylers ass you need someone to comfort you" he said as he stopped pacing and looked at me "griffin your not going anywhere please the only person I want to be with right now is you we can deal with tayler later" I said looking at griffin "okay fine but later I'm gonna beat him up" he said as he walked back over to my bed and sat down with me "fine" I said slightly giggling at how protective he was being. I definitely had feelings for griffin at this point but I had no idea how to tell him. All day me and griffin didn't leave my room, I didn't post anything on tiktok or any other social media I didn't feel like dealing with more backlash than I was already getting. At 2:00 I got a call from my dad asking about what happened, I tried telling him but ended up just crying again and again so griffin has to explain the situation to my dad. After we talked to my parents about what happened we decided to go get food since we hadn't eaten all day. We went downstairs and of course everyone was there. As much as I love my friends I didn't feel like talking to them. We got food and just brought it back to my room. At this point all the other sway boys had left but griffin had texted them he was gonna stay with me till I was doing better. We went back to my room and me and griffin watched a movie and cuddled. For a while till I felt up to address what happened. I tweeted "I didn't cheat on tayler. Me and tayler were never even together, we made a few flirty videos but that's it nothing happened or will ever happen between us. The other day tayler came to the hype house to hang out with the sway house and I was hanging with griffin and tayler got made saying I was his girl. As of right now I dint see me and tayler even being friends in the future he hurt me a lot recently. As for the griffin thing, griff as been by my side through the whole thing and I would just like to thank him so much he's been amazing during this hard time for me. As of right now I'm going to be staying away from social media for a little to recover and gather myself. So this is not bye but see you later." After that I turned my phone off. It was know 6:00pm and I hadn't been on my phone since I turned it off and I haven't talked to anyone besides griffin, "you know you should at least talk to charli, she's your sister, she'll be there for you." Griffin says, he's right charli is my sister she'll support me, I also decide I talk to addi, she's my best friend almost like my sister and I know she'll be there for me. I know everyone else will to I'm just not ready for that yet. "Yeah, will you get her and addi" I say "of course he responds I'll be back" he responds as he kissed my head and walks out. About 5 minutes later he returns with addi and charli following him, as soon as they see me they run in and hug me. "I'm so sorry dix" addi said "you don't deserve this" char added "thanks guys, I figured I should at least let you guys know I was okay, I just really don't feel like dealing with people right know" I said "we understand" they said at the same time. We finally pull away from our hug and we talk at little bit about the what happened I was sitting cuddled up in griffin's lap the whole time, charli filled me in on how her and chase had kissed and were now exclusive and a few other things that happened today. After awhile they left and me and griffin decided to lay down, we put a movie on and cuddled together. After a while we bothe drifted off to sleep.

Charli pov:
Me and addi just left dixies room, I felt so bad for her. She didn't do anything or deserve this, her and tayler weren't even together,so hi would she cheat on him and I know for a fact that's not dixie she would never do that to anyone. I just walked to chase and nicks room,nick was still downstairs and chase was sitting at his desk scrolling threw what was definitely my Instagram. He didn't hear me come in so I decided to sneak up on him. I walked up behind his chair and snaked my arms around his shoulders and said "hi huddy". As soon he realized it was me he quickly turned off his phone and spun around pulling me into his lap "hi charls" he said "what were you looking at" I teased "nothing" he said turning red "so you weren't looking at my Instagram?" I said still teasing him "ok, ok maybe I was looking at your Insta, but your just so perfect." He said still blushing. Now I started giggling and blushing "your so cute" chase said as he leaned in and pecked me on the lips "your not to bad yourself huddy" I said as he picked me up and carried me bridle style to his bed. He laid me down on his bed and leaned down and we started making out. Our make out session was interrupted by nick walking in and saying "y'all make me feel so fucking single" me and chase pulled apart and both started laughing. We got up and got ready to go bed, we brushed our teeth and stuff made a few tiktoks them got into bed. "Goodnight char" "goodnight huddy" we said then softly kissed and drifted off to sleep.

Sorry I know most of this is in Dixie's pov but the next part will be mostly charli and chase. Okay I need to go to bed goodnight

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