Chapter 12: be mine (bacation last day)

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*2 day time skip between now and the last chapter, cause I'm lazy and want to get to write about what's going to happen in the chapter so yeah ✌️*

Charli pov:
It's now our last full day in the Bahamas and chase been kinda distant and weird all day but I'm just trying to brush it off and not focus on it since it's probably nothing and I want to enjoy the last day in the Bahamas and with my friends before I have to go to Connecticut. It's currently 12pm and we're all hanging out at the pool taking phots, swimming, around and just having fun in general. We had been at the pool for about 2 hours and decided we would all hang out together till 4 then we were gonna separate and do what ever we wanted for the rest of the evening. We were all hungry so the girls and I decided to go get food for us all. Once we were far enough away from the boys I asked the girls "have you guys noticed that chase has been acting a little strange today?" "How so" Dixie asked back "I don't he just seems distant" I replied then they all just said "it's probably nothing" and dropped the topic which was kinda weird cause i feel like it was so obvious he been avoiding me like all day and now the girls we acting weird, so something must be up but I just tried to ignore it and act like everything was normal.

Dixie pov:
Charli didn't know yet but today chase was going to be taking her on their fist official date and ask her to be his girlfriend, he had told us all before we came to the Bahamas and we had all been planning secretly, but chase was starting to get super nervous and had kinda been avoiding charli, so when she asked about we just had to pretend we hadn't to prevent from accidentally letting something slip. We just talked about random stuff and about 10 minutes later we got our food and headed back to the boys. The boys were all sitting at our cabana, I went and sat next to griffin and gave him his food, we ate and then just chilled for 30 minutes so we wouldn't get sick then got back in the pool.

*time skip to 4pm*

Charli pov:
Chase and I were just chilling in our room when chase came over to me and asked "char will u go on a date with me?" I could tell he was really nervous but this made me super happy since it would be our first official date "omg of course" I said and gave him a quick peck on the lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms snakes around my waist and he replies "great, be ready by 6pm and dress " I give him a quick peck then we break apart and text the girls, I was so excited , avani's going todo my makeup, madi's going to do my hair, and addi & dix are going to pick my outfit. The girls were all coming to mine and chases room so chase went to nick & seb's room with all the rest of the boys. About 5 minutes later all the girls were here, avani had all her makeup and madi had her hair stuff.

*an hour later*

Avani just finished the final touches on my makeup and I was fully ready, madi she straighted my hair, avani did a natural but very beautiful makeup look and Dix and addi choose a black dress that ended at my mid-thigh and was fitted, paired with my Louis Vuitton denim jacket and some black strappy heels with some simple jewelry. I walked out of our hotel room and chase was standing there he looked really nice he was wearing a white button up shirt with black patterns on with black dress pants and shoes paired with a simple dangling chain. As soon as I walked at a huge smile was plastered on his face "I- wow char you lo-look gorgeous" he managed to stutter out, this made me smile and blush like crazy, I could tell he was really nervous but it was cute. "Your not to bad yourself huddy" I said, it was now chases turn to blush. The girls were acting like moms and made us take a billion pictures so after we were done with that we finally Uber we to the restaurant. We arrived at a very nice steak restaurant that looked really expensive, we went up to the receptionist and were taken to the restervation that chase had made previously. "Chase this place looks really expensive are you sure about this?" I asked not wanting him to spend a lot of money on me "yes char, I'd do anything for you no matter the price" he said reaching across the table and grabbing my hand, from where our table was you could look out the window and stare out at the ocean which truly was beautiful.

Chase pov:
As soon as charli stepped out of our room I was speechless she looked so gorgeous, she's so perfect, but at this point I was also really nervous she was so perfect and I was just me, she was 100% to good for me and yet she choose me, but I tried not to let it get me. "I- wow char you lo-look gorgeous" I stuttered out I was really so nervous, there was no hiding it I was just worried for later and that she would say no. "Your not to bad your self huddy" she said which made me blush and smile like crazy, after the girls took a million photos we got in our Uber and headed to the restaurant. We got seated at our table and order our food and talked for awhile we sat at the table for probably and hour or 2 just talking and eating, it amazing how we can just spend so much time just talking and being together, we took a few photos of eachother then I payed and took charli to the beach so I could do something that was really important. We started walking to the beach, "chaseeee" charli dragged "yes baby" I replied "my feet hurt" she pouted "want a piggy back ride?" I asked even though I knew the answer "yesss" she squealed which made me giggle, she took off her heals and I carried them in my hand while she was on my back. We walked to the beach and just continued talking about anything and everything. We finally arrived at the beach and we just sat on the beach laughing, making tiktoks, and having fun. Charli never fails to amaze me with how beautiful she is and how maple she makes me even when she does the littlest things, no matter what she does she looks beautiful, she's so kind, to everyone and doesn't deserve any of the hate she gets. We had been sitting on the beach for about and hour when I decided I was finally ready to do it. "baby" I said getting charli's attention "yeah bub" she asked looking confused "I have something to ask you" I said "ok baby your scaring me" she said looking concerned "charli, you the most beautiful and kind person I know, I'm so proud of how far you come and what you've done at only 15, since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I loved you so Charli Grace D'amelio will you be my girlfriend?" I finally spit out, I was so nervous after she didn't respond for a few seconds I felt like I messed up "I- sorry I understand if you-" I was cut off by charli pulling me into a passionate kiss, after we pulled away she said "omg chase are you kidding I would love to be your girlfriend and I love you to" she said, then I pulled her into another kiss.

Charli pov:
"charli, you the most beautiful and kind person I know, I'm so proud of how far you come and what you've done at only 15, since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I loved you so Charli Grace D'amelio will you be my girlfriend?" Chase said, I was in shock, I was happy, exited, scared of what people would think, but more excited and happy than anything, I took me a minute to process what wa going on and chase must of thought I was going to say no cause he said "I- sorry I understand if you-" I cut him off by pulling him into a passionate kiss. Once we broke apart I finally said "omg chase are you kidding I would love to be your girlfriend and I love you to" he smiled and pulled me into another kiss. Once we broke apart we decided to finally head back to the hotel since at this point we had been gone for like 5 hours. We ordered and Uber and headed back to the hotel. When we got there everyone was waiting in our room to hear what happened, they all seemed super nervous till they saw how happy we're both were and that we were holding hands. "Did she say yes?" Dixie asked "yes, she did" chase responded laughing as they all started cheering, "wait you all knew about this?" I asked slightly confused "yes, we've been planning it all for about a week" addi responded, "it was very hard to keep it from you" madi added, "but we did and now you have a boyfriend!" Avani finished. We eventually decided to have a girls night & let the boys have boys night so we could gossip and talk about the nights events, we got snacks, face masks, makeup, hair stuff, nails polish and hung out in mine and chases room while the boys were all in nick & seb's room. It was now 2am and we had to be up for our flight by 8am so we all decided to go to bed. I texted chase "goodnight baby, I love you ♥️" and plugged my phone in and cuddled up with Dixie then let sleep takeover my body.

Word count: 1725
And she updates, I'm really happy with this chapter and it's a bit of a longer one but I hope y'all like it. What do you guys wanna see happen in the future? Let me know in the comments. I'll see y'all when I update next ♥️ ~B

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