The night

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Chapter 1

As Luna walked into the dark lonely cave that she lived in, she saw a light, a very bright light. As she walked into her lonely cave she sat in the corner and thought, Luna doesn't think much as she is the moon, the only moon in her family. As she thought she became more and more curious of what that light was. She just decided to let it go and go to sleep as she new she had a big day tomorrow or I guess night.

Luna is the smallest in her family and the youngest. She has 3 brothers and 6 sisters, Jack, Samantha, Ugo, Nadine, Eva, Victoria, Max, Melody and Page. As the night started to creep in Luna began to wake. She walked out of the cave and into the night, this is where luna felt at home. As she did her work of gravitation, equality and calmness.

After her night of work she goes home to her cave as her brothers and sisters are meeting her there cave. As she walks into the cave she see's the bright light again bit louder she knew something was happening but she didn't know what.

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