A shiny, black car pulled up to the starting line. The opponent in the other car tried to see into the car but the windows were tinted, making it impossible to see the driver. He revved his engine in an attempt to get her attention. Ignoring the opponent, Rebecca watched the grid girl stand in the middle of the two cars.

"Racers, get ready." She unraveled the green flag and held in in the air.

Both cars revved their engines as they anticipated the waving of the green flag.

"Go!" She yelled and began waving the flag frantically in the air.

The two cars sped past her and began their way on the trail. The trail had many sharp turns and edges where many things can go wrong. Luckily, the Ghost Rider has been training for years. She knew this trail like the back of her hand.

The yellow car was in the lead as they were approaching the sharpest turn of the trail. "Oh hell no." Rebecca thought as she hated to lose. She quickly turned the wheel as far as it could go and began drifting around the corner around the inside. The yellow car took the outside, a rookie mistake.

Within a few seconds, she was back in the lead. The yellow car tried many many times to pass her, but all were failed attempts.

"Here come the racers.." A crowd member yelled. "The Ghost Rider is in the lead!" The group of watchers exclaimed in joy as they watched the shiny black car cross over the finish line.

A few seconds rolled by and the yellow car cross the finish line. He jumped out of his car angrily and approached the black car. "This isn't over, Ghost, I'll find your true identity and make you pay." He yelled through the closed window before he stormed off.

Rebecca stepped out of the car and waved to everyone. She wore black baggy clothes to hide her feminine, petite figure. Her platinum white hair was thrown up into a bun. If they saw her unusual colored hair, she'd be recognized easily with her mask off. The crowd huddled around her car, asking tons of questions and making comments.
"How'd you do it?"
"Was it easy?"
"We're you going easy on him?"
"You're an amazing driver!"

"Alright, alright. I'd love to chat but I need to go and freshen up. I'm sweaty." She laughed through her drivers helmet. The crowd gave her space as she hopped into her car and drove to the near by gym.


Rebecca stepped out of her car after parking far away from the entrance. She slowly pulled her helmet off of her head, taking a long and deep breath of fresh air. "My god that helmet is so suffocating." She spoke to herself.

She then walked into the gym and went to the ladies room. She preferred using the shower and bathrooms here as if her mom caught her with her racing gear on she'd be dead. Becca took a short shower and changed into some spare clothes.

Just as she walked out, she bumped into a tall, muscular man. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She backed up, taking a second to admire the man in front of her.

He had tanned skin with medium length black hair that had a messy yet sexy look to it. It was clear he worked out, you could see his muscles through his t shirt he wore and he had on black ripped jeans. He had a few large tattoos crawling up his bicep.

"It's quite alright, Ghost." His voice was raspy and deep. He was a lot taller than Rebecca, almost a foot and a half.

"Thank yo- Wait, excuse me?" She raised her brow, confused as why he said Ghost. He couldn't have known she was the Ghost Rider, right? She made sure no one followed her here.

"Oh, nothing." He smirked childishly, looking down at her."

"... Right." She said awkwardly as she began walking past him.

"Wait." He turned around. "I didn't catch your name."

"Rebecca. And yours?"

"Cade." He gave her a playful smirk before going into the men's bathroom.

"Weird.." Rebecca thought as she walked out, heading towards her car.

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