Rebecca opened her house door as quietly as possible, being careful to not wake her mother.
The door made occasional squeaks, but nothing too extreme.

The lights quickly turned on as her mother was standing next to the switch. "Rebecca Marie Chase. Explain yourself now." Her mother eyed her, noticing her shorts and T-shirt.

"I was just at the gym mom. I have to look good  this summer, duh. Sorry I came back so late, all of the changing rooms were occupied." Rebecca was a great liar. Or her mother was just gullible.

"I believe you, just get in bed now young lady. You have school in the morning. It's 12 Am, you have about 5 and a half hours of sleep. Use it wisely." Her mother huffed and walked back to her bed room.

"Shit. School." Becca exhaled deeply as she ran up the stairs. She kept her racing gear in her car as she didn't want to bring it in and make mother even more suspicious than she already is. She jumped into her bed and sank into her pillow. Instantly, she fell asleep. She couldn't get her mind off the stranger at the gym, Cade.


Rebecca was surprisingly up and awake by 5:00. She brushed her teeth, got dressed, made her bed, and ate breakfast all in 30 minutes.

She went into her mothers room and gently kissed her forehead. "I'm headed to school, love you." She whispered before walking out.

Becca knew taking her racing car to school was risky, yet her mom sold her fathers car when he passed. That was her "normal car for normal activities" so she wouldn't be noticed if any racers attended her school.

Many students stared in awe as she slowly drove pass the school and into the parking lot. Her music was too loud for her to hear the outside chatter. People were pointing, taking pictures, and all staring at her car. It's like they've never seen any other car than their old 1960s car(which I exaggerated, of course).

Rebecca finally found a spot away from other cars. Anyone dares to scratch up her car they'd have problems.

She swung her door open and exited her car. She flipped her long platinum blonde hair out of her face as she turned back around to grab her book bag.

"Damn, look at her ass." Jack spoke to his best friend as they passed Rebecca at her car.

Ah yes, Jack. The idiotic, jock who is only known for his looks and his football ability. All guys want to be him, all girls want to date him; all except for Rebecca. She could care less.

Becca knows to ignore him, he's too stupid to carry on a conversation. She stepped back and shut her car door, swinging her backpack onto her back. As she began walking away, she locked the doors.

"Becca!" Alexa screamed outside, running towards her. She forcefully embraced her in a tight hug. "It's good to see you again! I missed you!"

"Girl, it's been 2 days.. But I missed you too." She laughed. "I'm not the goody-goody type but we should really get to class. I don't want to hear Mr. Ford complain all class."

"Agreed." Alexa nodded. They both walked to class.

"Okay, Class. We have new seats. Sit in pairs like usual. The list is:
Kate with Jenna
Liam with Robby
Alexa with Mary
Jenny with Nate
looong list of names continue ...
And.. Rebecca you're by yourself until the new student comes in.

"Bullshit." Becca stood there. "Liam gets to sit with his best friend why can't I sit with mine?"

"Because you two ladies talk each other's ear off. It's distracting. The boys know when to stop. No back talking and go sit in your seat."

Rebecca gave Alexa a sad look before going to sit in her chair. She put her bag beside her on the floor. Then, Mr. Ford began his long, boring lesson.

It wasn't that long before the door freaked open. The whole class became silent. Rebecca could care less who entered, she continued to play on her phone. Quiet chatters then filled the room as the student walked in. Girls were giggling and the boys were quiet.

"Ah, Mr. Williams. Please, take a seat next to Rebecca." Mr. Ford directed him to his seat. Rebecca didn't look up from her phone, she was busy texting Alexa.

"Not gonna say hello?" That voice. It's so familiar. "Who knew the Ghost was so bitchy." He mocked, sitting upright in his seat.

Rebecca slammed her phone down, looking over at the new student. "And who do you think you a-" she stopped. "Cade?"

"Rebecca." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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