IzuOcha: Truth or Dare

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After a long day of classes and training, all of Class 1-A were settled in their dorms for the night. Dinner had already been served. Many of them wished to hang out like they always did before curfew. A few had already turned in for the night. Upon hearing the suggestion that they should play a game, the classmates agreed.

The question of "what should we play?" crossed many of their minds. Suggestion after suggestion came such as spin the bottle, 7 minutes in Heaven, and truth or dare. After hosting a vote among their peers, truth or dare won by a landslide. Many laughs were shared as some already had to answer embarrassing truths or perform funny dares. Alas, it was a certain brown haired girl's turn to be in the spotlight.

"Alright, Ochako! Truth or dare?"

A moment passed before the bubbly brunette gave her answer to her pink haired friend.


Upon thinking of a dare for a few moments, Mina spoke up.

"I dare you to act like your complete opposite self until the end of the game. If you don't.."

Before proceeding, she gave a devilish smirk.

"You have to tell us who your crush is."

Thump thump thump

Ochako's heart was racing. She could feel it beating more and more with every passing second. Her usual bright, rosy cheeks were growing exceedingly rosy, and her palms were becoming moist with sweat. She could practically feel the perspiration rolling down her temples.

"Uh.. o-okay. When do you want me to start?"

"Right now." Mina winked.

Ochako cleared her throat. "I can do this.. I can do this.. I can do this!"

Now that she had been dared, she could choose the next "victim".

"Hey, you! Uh-yeah, you! You there uh—"

She hesitated to think of a nickname. Due to this dare, she had to act basically like Bakugo for the rest of the game.

"P-pervy grape head!"

The rest of the group burst out into an uproar of laughter.

Ochako felt her face become flushed again. She didn't like this dare at all.

"Hey! Who are you calling a pervy grape head!" Mineta snapped as he began to remove one of the balls from his head.

"I-I'm so—"

Ochako quickly cut off her apology. She knew she had to continue to act how she did through the entire rest of the game. If not, she knew her punishment.

"Nuh uh uh. You almost lost your dare, Ochako. Be careful." Mina snickered as she teasingly elbowed her. With another sigh, she continued the game.

"T-truth or dare?" She asked Mineta who was still slightly offended.

"Dare. Go on. I can take it." He said confidentially.

"Fine. I dare you to not look at your magazines for an entire week. If you sneak one little peak, I'll have Todoroki burn them."

Mineta's jaw dropped to the floor.


"You asked for the dare."

"Ugh. Whatever." He crossed his arms in defeat as the game continued.

"Who do I want to choose.."

My Hero Academia: Oneshots  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora