TodoMomo: Strangers

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Rain continued to pour throughout Tokyo for what seemed like the 40th day in a row.

Day after day, it would rain. There were barely any days filled with sunshine anymore. If it weren't raining, thick clouds would cover the desired blue sky.

The rain drenched Todoroki's clothes, making him feel chilled to the bone. He longed to return home, eager to remove his soggy clothes and have a warm bath.

Lost in thought, he continued to subconsciously walk towards his small apartment. The rain had no mercy as it continued to drench him further, causing his coat to stick to his skin.

He pushed his bangs from his face once more, knowing the rain would make them fall down into his face again moments later. He continued his subconscious walk until he heard someone cry out in the distance.

"H-hey! Stop!"

Todoroki looked up to see a young woman struggling to get away from two men who continued to pursue her.

"Oh, come on, babe. Can't we just have one drink?"

Todoroki quickly made his way to the young woman's aid. He had to act quickly to divert the assertive men.

"Hey, dear. There you are. I've been looking for you. Come now. Let's go back home. You'll catch a cold."

He wrapped his arm around her, escorting her safely away from the other two men. They were frustrated, but to her relief, they left.

"T-thank you.." She shivered.

"It's no problem. Please. I know you don't know me, but you can come with me. I'll prepare a hot meal for you and get you warm."

Although she didn't know her rescuer, she felt that she could trust him. She followed him into his quaint apartment.

"Please. Come in."

She followed him into the bathroom where he began to run a hot bath for her.

"I'll bring you some spare clothes. My sister comes and stays occasionally, so you should be able to wear something of hers. When you're finished, the towels are in that cabinet. Take your time. I'll go prepare dinner."

"W-wait, sir. Please. Why are you doing all of this?"

"You needed help. I was raised to always help those in need. Meet me in the kitchen once you're finished if you'd like."


Todoroki walked into his bedroom to remove his soaked clothes. He grimaced and shivered as he peeled them away layer by layer. After grabbing a towel, he and began to dry himself off.

He then changed into warm, clean clothes before heading downstairs into the kitchen.

"I'm not really sure what she likes to eat, but surely a bowl of hot soba should do the trick."

He began gathering all of the necessary ingredients and preparing them for dinner.


The woman had just finished bathing, but she continued to soak in the hot water. It felt so relaxing on the chilly, rainy day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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