Don't Let Me Go

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Endeavor had challenged Deku, and he humbly accepted. The old man was sure he had a chance at beating a scronny little kid.

Endeavor blasted fire at Izuku, actually attempting to kill him, but Izuku yawned and then laughed at his attempt.

"Wow, who knew the number 2 hero would be so weak." Izuku chuckled, which only made Endeavor even madder, and he fired a bit of blue fire at Deku. But still, Deku was unharmed by the fire. 

By then, Endeavor was overheated and could barely stand up. It was pretty obvious that the pro hero was trying to kill Izuku, so Izuku lit one of his fingers on fire and walked over to endeavor.

Izuku was more than 5 feet away from endeavor but he could feel the overwhelming pain of the green fire.

The green haired boy then walked close to endeavor, putting his green fire on the red-heads arm. Endeavor screamed in pain, but he refused to cry. So, Izuku set three of his fingers on fire, this time doing it. Endeavor cried. For some reason, seeing endeavor cry pleased Izuku.

"This is not only payback for what you were trying to do to me, but it is payback for what you did to Shoto, scumbag," Izuku said, walking out of the room like nothing happened. 

"What the hell happened in there?! We heard cries! It sounded like dad!" Fuyumi questioned, as Izuku smirked.

"Let's just say that we fought and he lost."

The room was silent, everyone was deep in thought. Did Izuku really just beat the number 2 hero in a fight?

It was about 6 aclock and Izuku decided it was best if he made dinner for the Todoroki family to apologize for hurting the man of the house.

"What smells so good?" Todoroki asked, as he walked into the kitchen.

"It's Soba. I noticed how many Soba noodles were in the pantry so I decided to make it for you guys." I smiled.

"You're very kind Midoriya. I'm glad to have you as a friend." Shoto said, anxiously waiting for the soba to be done.

Midoriya's eyes gleamed with joy. 'A friend? A real friend? I've never really had any! This is the best day of my life!' Izuku thought, humming a tune.

"Midoriya, I'm trying for the U.A entrance exams in 10 months, you should try too. Now that I know what having a friend feels like, I don't want to be alone." Todoroki gushed, making Izuku blush slightly.

"Anything for you, Shoto." Izuku said, walking over to Todoroki.

"What are you-" before he could finish his sentence, Izuku pulled him into a hug.

"That's gay," chuckled Natsuo, making Todoroki glare at him.

"I-uhm- I'm sorry Shoto! I didn't mean for that to happen." Izuku said, flustered.

Though, Izuku was pulled back into the hug by Todoroki. "Don't let go," Todoroki whispered in Izuku's ear, sending a chill down his spine.


After everyone took showers, the family was arguing over where Izuku should sleep. Endeavor was still really pissed off that he lost a battle to a teenager, so he said that Izuku couldn't sleep in any of the guest bedrooms, nor any of the couches. Thinking that Izuku would leave because there was no where else to stay, Endeavor smirked. But the pleasure didn't last long at all.

"Izuku can sleep with me," Shoto volunteered. "Don't be ridiculous, we don't sleeping bags."Enji huffed.

"Okay then. He can sleep in the bed with me." Shoto volunteered again, not really realizing what he was saying. He looked over at the green-haired boy and noticed that his face was extremely red. 

"Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" the dense boy asked, putting his hand on Izuku's head, which made Izuku blush even more, if that was even possible.

"Y-y-yeah j-just a l-little surprised that's all, hah..." he stuttered.

'Surprised?' Todoroki thought, and then he remembered what he said. Todoroki started getting as red as Deku and apologized.

"I mean, I don't feel comfortable in my own home right now, nor are there any other rooms in this house. So, if it's okay with you, can I sleep with you?" Izuku asked, still a bit flustered.

Todoroki's heart started beating at a pace unknown to man kind. 'I must be getting sick,' he thought. 

"Okay, let's go." Todoroki smiled, grabbing Midoriya's hand and pulling him towards his room.

They both agreed to stay on one side of the bed, Midoriya wrapped his arms around Todoroki, unconsciously. 

Todoroki noticed, and smirked at the cute boys face. Midoriya had noticed comfortable warmth had hit his skin and opened his eyes to see what it was. He realized that he had been holding Todoroki, and started to tear up because he was embarrassed. Todoroki noticed and wiped his tears. 

"Keep holding me. Don't let go, Izuku." Todoroki requested, wrapping his arms around the other.

"O-okay." Izuku excepted, dazing off into a dream.

Suddenly, Todoroki's heart started beating fast again. 'It's happening again? Why am I feeling this way?'




im gonna try to update more because I'm gonna be home for probably over 2 weeks. I hope you all stay safe. and make sure to wash your hands. my brother doesn't wash his hands a lot so im gonna try to avoid him. im both pleased and dying on the inside. I want to socialize but I don't want to socialize so I guess the introvert side of me wins. anyways im just ranting so be safe this doesn't make any sense especially since im not putting the punctuations in properly. bye and wear a mask and also do y'all know what vocaloid is? i love rin Kaito Len and Oliver wait I said bye already why am I ranting im so sorry if you read this I wasted your time now bye and stay safe peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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