Chapter 25. Snowstorm

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After deciding that I wouldn't be depressed anymore, time seemed to flow by rather quickly. Deciding something like this, is a hard decision to do, and even harder to actually make work. But with the right people around you, anything is possible.

My words to Regulus were harsh, but that's exactly what he deserved to hear. Hitting him might not been the right thing to do, but then again, it was also something he did deserve. And everything I said to him, made me feel more confident in myself...and also about my new powers. There's not going back with these new powers and it's time to start owning them like I'm supposed to. Voldemort doesn't want me to join his side for nothing...there must be a reason for it. Doing what I did to Regulus, was just what I needed to begin this whole new mindset. I was stuck for too long, just because of him. And now even he can't hold me back from truly becoming who I'm meant to be.

After the whole incident he didn't even show himself to me once for two weeks. His gang was too scared to come around me and hid behind other students whenever they saw me. Whispers had started after the situation, but I believed no one wanted to come at me and ask what the whole glowing eye thing was all about. And I was rather happy about that. And after those two weeks, I finally saw Regulus. But he had no intention to even look at me. He was scared and seemed to even be somewhat remorseful. He has taken distance from his fake gang and goes to lessons as his quiet self. So just something tells me that maybe, maybe he learned something from what I told him.

And after this depressing period of time, I was finally able start smiling again. Everything had gotten so much better from what it used to be, and it was all thanks to my friends. They kept me concentrated towards school and giving my best at the things I was good at. Talking with Dumbledore also helped a lot, learning new calming practises and actually having the feeling of being in control with my own emotions. For the first time in a long while, everything felt correct.

James and Lily's relationship was blooming, and they were truly happy with each other. The same went with Alice and Frank, who were ever so happy with each other. Frank had even joined our group occasionally, wanting to spend as much time with Alice as possible. Remus and I have been studying together a lot, which I have missed a lot, and we have both been there to support Peter and to help him with DADA. While James was still the captain of the Quidditch team and had begged me to become a seeker once more, I had decided not to join the team this year and give another talented student the opportunity to join the team. James was of course sad, but practising Quidditch together was still something we did as often as we could. Not joining the team also gave me time to spend time with Severus, and both of us were happy to show our friendship to everyone. So you could say that almost everything was perfect...almost...except for one thing.

Sirius wasn't kidding when the promised to not give up on me. I thought he would get annoyed and tired of trying, and while sometimes he did, he still wasn't giving up. There was no chance on getting him to drop his attempt on saving our friendship. He was determined to sort this out, once and for all, not matter how long it took.

And he has tried everything. He follows me everywhere I go. He has tried speaking with me, sending me letters and notes, giving me gifts, making jokes around me, making me look better to the people around me, making a total idiot out from himself and getting himself in trouble...which then again is nothing new. But each time his attempts fail miserably. And that's because I'm too stubborn and scared to give in to him.

The idea of everything finally returning back to normal is a wonderful idea and I hope for it to happen soon...but fully forgiving Sirius is terrifying. It had been the hardest thing to stay angry with him, considering all his attempts to make me forgive him. I regret saying to him that I hated him with my whole heart and that I would never forgive him, because I now know that I would never be able to hate him forever. He's still one of the most important person to me...if not the most-

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