Fumikage Tokoyami x Todoroki's sister! reader

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It was a bright morning. (Y/N) was headed to school. (Y/n) doesn't go to a high school that offer a hero course. She was fine with it. She didn't exactly want to be a hero anyway. Her father, who she believes is worthless, wanted her to be a hero. She was walking and suddenly ran into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't walking where I was going." (Y/N) exclaims.

"No it's my fault." The person exclaims.

"I'm (Y/N) Todoroki."

"As in Shoto Todoroki's sister?"

"Yes, now at least give me the courtesy of telling me your name stranger. I gave you mine."

"It's Fumikage Tokoyami."

"Well Tokoyami I best get going. We both have school."

"Can I have your number?"

"I don't know.... I don't think my brother would like that."

"Oh ok."

"I'm just kidding. My number is ###-###-####."


"Well you better get going."

"Ok talk to you later."

_______________Time skip to lunch_____________

"Tokoyami can I talk to you?" Shoto asked him.

"Sure" Tokoyami replied.

"Stay away from my sister. I saw you two talking earlier. I don't want her to get involved with anyone in UA."

"What if she talks to me? I can't control what she does and I don't think you can either by judgement of her attitude. Also why isn't she going to UA high?"

"If she talks to you make up an excuse and tell her you're busy. You're right neither one of us can control her. My father can't even control her. My father not being able to control her is the reason she's not in UA. She doesn't want to be a hero. She didn't want to go to UA at all. She is going to the school she is now to spite him."

"What school is she going to? She didn't seem to be wearing a uniform."

"She is going to (Y/S/N) My father hates that school. Especially since they don't have uniforms."

"I can't promise she won't talk to me. I will try to stay away from her."

"Thank you. It's nothing personal. I don't want her talking to anyone at UA. She might want to come to UA and I don't want father to put that pressure on her."



(Y/N) was expecting a text from Tokoyami.

'Why isn't he texting me?' she thought to herself.

"Don't expect a text from him." Shoto told her.

"Why shouldn't I?" She asked him.

"Because I told him not to."


"I don't want anyone from UA talking to you."

At this point Shoto was really pissing off (Y/N).

"Why the fuck not?"

"I don't want you to get this crazy idea to come to UA because you fell in love with some jackass."

"Fuck you! I will talk to whoever the hell I want to talk to! I don't need you to tell me who to talk to and who not to talk to. I want to go to (Y/S/N) I don't want to go to UA. I don't need anyone to change my mind. A man especially. Go fuck yourself Shoto!"

"(Y/N) I said no!"

"I will not let you control me like dad tries to! You are acting just like dad!"

"Do not compare me to that dick hole!"

"I wouldn't compare you to him if you didn't act like him! You are trying to control me."

Finally having enough she walked out of the house and slammed the door.

__________Timeskip to next day at lunch_________

"Tokoyami can we talk?" Shoto asked him.

"Yeah." Tokoyami replied.

"I need you to talk to (Y/N)"

"Isn't the whole point of yesterdays conversation for me not to talk to her?"

"Well yes, but we got into an argument last night and she walked out. Now she won't talk to me."

"I don't know... You seemed eager for me to not talk to her."

"Please, I am begging you right now."


"Thank you."

_______Timeskip to after school_____

(Y/N) got a text from a random number.

"Hey it's me Tokoyami." The number said.

She quickly saved the number to her contacts.

"I thought my brother told you not to text me."

"Yeah well he changed his mind. Especially since you are ignoring him."

"Did he tell you why we got into an argument last night?"

"He said it was because he wouldn't let us talk."

"Well that and he was trying to control me."

"I kind of figured."

"Yeah so want to meet up?"

"Sure where will we meet up."

"I know a good ice cream place."


"I have to get ready see you in a bit"

"See you."

(Y/N) got ready for her date.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shoto asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"yes I would."

"If I was going up your ass you would know."

"Don't sass me. I am your older twin."

"Go fuck yourself."

Then he did something unexpected. He slapped her titty.

"You dick!"

She then slapped his face. Then the fight got physical. It was a huge slapping fight. (Y/N) won.

"Don't underestimate the power of a woman's smack you dick. I'm leaving."

And with that she left.

_______Timeskip to the ice cream place______

They quickly met up and got their ice cream. They had a good time. They learned a lot about each other.

After a few dates they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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