Italy and the Volturi

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FLORENCE AIRPORT, ITALY - MORNING Bella waits impatiently at the curb as -- A YELLOW HARD-TOP PORSCHE with darkly tinted windows SCREECHES to a halt in front of her. The passenger door opens - Alice is behind the wheel, pulling off the chic, white, hooded coat she used for protection against the sun. As Bella climbs in, buckles up --
BELLA Where'd you get the car?
ALICE Hope you're not opposed to grand theft auto.
BELLA Not today.
Alice FLOORS it and the Porsche PEELS OUT --
EXT. TUSCAN COUNTRYSIDE - DAY AERIAL VIEW - THE YELLOW PORSCHE screams down a highway, cutting lanes, weaving through Peugots and Fiats --
INT. PORSCHE - DAY Bella grips the dashboard as Alice narrowly misses a car.
BELLA How much time do we have.
ALICE (O.S.) He's waiting till noon, when the sun's at its highest...
SMASH TO: EXT. VOLTERRA - PALAZZO DEI PRIORI - DAY (ALICE'S VISION) It's jumpy, uneven -- EDWARD stands in shadow, his shirt open, eyes shut. A clock GONGS as he steps into SUNLIGHT -- ALICE ... He's going to make the Volturi change their minds.
INT. PORSCHE - SAME BELLA (checking her watch) It's almost noon now. ALICE There's Volterra. Alice punches it as Bella and Maya SEE -- BELLA'S POV - A MEDIEVAL FORTIFIED VILLAGE atop a distant hill. Volterra. EXT. VOLTERRA - DAY The narrow, centuries-old streets are crowded with festival revellers who all wear RED. They gaily head toward the town square carrying red pendants, balloons, scarves. The PORSCHE weaves through them, hurrying forward. INTERCUT INSIDE THE PORSCHE --
BELLA Why are they all wearing red?
ALICE San Marcos Day festival. The perfect setting. Large crowds. The Volturi won't let him get far enough to reveal himself - he's counting on that.
BELLA We only have five minutes -- Alice screeches to a halt at a ROAD BLOCK. Italian POLICE wave her back. Bella jumps out followed by a reluctant Maya--
BELLA Where's the square?
ALICE Follow that lane -- -- Bella's already running followed by Maya who starts positioning her bow --
ALICE He'll be under the clock tower! Alice watches her go... then senses something, looks up --
ALICE'S POV - ON THE ROOFTOPS - A FIGURE IN A BLACK HOODED OVERCOAT leaps from building to building, tracking Bella. As he disappears, off Alice -- EXT. VOLTERRA ALLEYS - SERIES OF FAST CUTS - DAY Bella races down the cobble-stoned alleys, stumbling on the uneven stones. Festival revellers head in the same direction, she maneuvers around them. ABOVE BELLA - SEE flashes of the FIGURE IN THE OVERCOAT -- As Bella nears the square, the alleys become more populated. She pushes past people AD LIBBING "excuse me," "sorry." Finally, she emerges into --
BELLA'S POV - a sea of scarlet flags, dresses and jackets.
On the other side of the crowded square - THE CLOCK TOWER; she battles her way through the square; the crowd shoves back, shouting at her in Italian --
ITALIAN MAN Fare attenzione!
Bella charges forward to find herself blocked by -- A FOUNTAIN - Suddenly, GONG! The clock tower bells chime. It's noon! Bella jumps into the fountain, wades through the shallow water to the other side -- she jumps out and barrels through the crowd. Finally, she SEES --
BELLA'S POV - BENEATH THE CLOCK TOWER Edward, in the shadows, just inches from the sunlight.
BELLA Edward! -- --
GONG! Bella's cry is drowned out by the BOOMING CHIME. She pushes toward him, fighting to reach him as -- CLOSE ON EDWARD (IN SLOW MOTION) - as he unbuttons his shirt, exposing his bare chest -- ON BELLA (IN SLOW MOTION) - calling his name -- ON EDWARD'S FACE - he closes his eyes, welcoming death -- then slowly -- Edward takes a step into the sunlight, the rays hitting his shoe, but before the sun touches his skin -- BELLA SLAMS into him - it's like running into a brick wall --
BELLA No, Edward! Don't!
Edward opens his eyes and looks at Bella as the clock booms its final CHIME. He's amazed, already dead in his mind.
EDWARD Carlisle was right... heaven...
BELLA No, I'm here. I'm alive.
EDWARD (confused) You're... not real.
BELLA Look at me! Alice was wrong.
He begins to realize... she is real.
BELLA Please, step back. I'm alive, I'm -- He suddenly kisses her, stepping back into the shade with her. They soak each other in like starved people suddenly nourished. He pulls away to look at her...
EDWARD You're here.
BELLA I'm here.
They share a long look, he's about to kiss her again... when suddenly, he stiffens -- and abruptly PUSHES Bella behind him, taking a protective stance in front of her -- They face the DARK ALLEY that runs under the clock tower. Out of the alley's shadows emerge --
TWO FIGURES IN HOODED OVERCOATS. Both stunningly handsome males in their 20's: FELIX, huge, strong; and DEMETRI, slender, elegant. Both have unsettling burgundy red EYES.
EDWARD I won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen.
FELIX Aro wants to speak with you again.
EDWARD No rules were broken. Demetri's smile suggests he doesn't agree. He's the more gracious of the two. But no less dangerous.
DEMETRI We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue.
EDWARD Fine. Bella, why don't you stay and enjoy the festival?
FELIX The girl comes with us.
EDWARD That's not going to happen --
ALICE suddenly appears, lightly tripping through the alley toward them, pulling back the hood of her white swing coat.
ALICE Come on, guys, it's a festival. She reaches Edward and Bella, positioning herself in a protective stance, as well. ALICE We wouldn't want to make a scene.
FELIX There won't be any scene. And we'll still win.
EDWARD But not easily --
JANE (O.S.) Enough. A very tiny, young woman appears, JANE. She also wears a dark overcoat, her Botticelli angel-like face peering out from under the hood. SEE her CRIMSON IRISES. Felix and Demetri are back off immediately. Edward and Alice step back, as well. Bella can see they're afraid of this small girl. EDWARD (nodding to her) Jane. BELLA (sotto to Alice) Who is she? ALICE (sotto to Bella) Just do as she says. Jane tosses Edward an overcoat. He dons it.
JANE Follow me. Jane simply turns and heads up the alley, confident they'll follow. Felix, smirking, gestures for them to go ahead of him. Edward takes Bella's hand...
EXT. VOLTERRA STREETS - DAY Jane leads Edward, Bella and Alice through several narrow, dark alleys. Felix and Demetri bring up the rear. Edward never loosens his grip on Bella's hand. Their path dead ends at a WALL OF BRICK. Jane just strides forward and, without breaking pace - drops down into an OPEN HOLE in the street; it's a drain. Alice follows Jane. Bella looks down, sees nothing but BLACKNESS. EDWARD It's alright. Alice will catch you.
Edward takes her wrists, dangles her over the hole before turning to Maya, who glares at him before glancing at the hole again.
MAYA: Yea no. It's bad enough I hate your family with every bone in my body but now you want to drop me in a deep dark hole where there are others who have no problem with draining me of my blood before I blink waiting for me. Yea no if I have to die I want a fighting chance and light thank you especially if I get a chance to make you suffer before I go.
The Volturi guards were chuckling before one jumped back up. He introduced himself as Demitri and offered to carry me down.
MAYA: Better than Mr. Broody over there
Demitri lifted Maya before jumping down and then letting her hold on to his arm the rest of the way.
-- INT. SEWERS (CONTINUOUS) - DAY -- ON BELLA as she drops through the darkness, to be caught by Alice. Edward lands beside them, then Felix and Demetri. Edward pulls Bella close as they follow Jane through the sewer. He meets Bella's eyes, trying to look reassuring, but he's tense as hell. Finally, they reach -- A FOLDING IRON ELEVATOR DOOR. Jane easily pulls it aside. They all enter. As the door CLANGS shut on them -- SMASH TO: CLOSE ON MODERN ELEVATOR DOORS OPENING.
They all exit into -- INT. VOLTURI HEADQUARTERS - LOBBY (CONTINUOUS)  An elegantly decorated space with old world charm. They're greeted politely by GIANNA an attractive (human) receptionist.
GIANNA Buon pomeriggio.
They head through the lobby to -- THE LONG CORRIDOR that Edward traversed earlier. Finally, they reach the carved double doors which open --
INT. CIRCULAR WHITE MARBLE HALL (CONTINUOUS) - DAY Bella, Edward and Alice enter to face the three ancients: Aro, Marcus, Caius. Eight VOLTURI GUARDS (including Jane, Felix, Demetri) line the walls in a variety of modern dark overcoats.
BELLA'S POV - THE FLOOR - there's a depression in the center that leads to a drain. Bella shivers. Aro rises, greets them like old friends, taking Edward's hand and shaking it --
ARO What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? Caius responds with a sour expression. Marcus could care less. Aro doesn't release Edward's hand, looks at him as --
ARO Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?
EDWARD It's not without effort.
ARO (laughing) I can see that.
Off Bella's look, Edward explains -- EDWARD One touch and Aro can see every thought I've ever had in my life.
ARO You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. Though... you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating. He releases Edward's hand and turns to Bella. ARO I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well. He reaches for Bella's hand. She hesitates, does she have a choice? Aro laughs at her reluctance, further extends his hand. Bella finally takes it. A beat as he holds her hand... confusion sweeping over him. ARO Interesting. He releases her, moves back to his chair, deep in thought. ARO I wonder if --
EDWARD (reading Aro's thoughts) No!
ARO Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we Jane?
Jane turns toward Bella but Edward springs in front of her -- Jane instead focuses her gaze on Edward which FLINGS him across the room where he collapses, writhing in agony. Jane concentrates on him with a small smile, enjoying his pain.
Bella and Alice rush to his side. As soon as Jane looks away, Edward's pain ceases.
ARO Jane, dear. The girl?
Jane's gaze now turns toward Bella who cringes, awaiting the pain... but nothing happens. Jane's grin is replaced by anger. Aro laughs like a child with a new toy. Jane, infuriated, moves toward Bella, but Aro stops her with a tiny gesture.
ARO Remarkable! She confounds us all. So what do we do with you now? MARCUS (seemingly bored) You already know what you'll do, Aro. CAIUS She knows too much; she's a liability.
ARO That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her immortality... (looks at Edward) But that's not your intention, is it. Shame.
He nods to Felix who moves toward Bella, but he only takes a step before Edward tackles him. Maya pulled out her bow and arrow and began firing. Arrows flew as Edward and Felix fought. Maya began shooting at the Guards holding Alice trying to free her so she could get into the fight. Maya's arrows were flying with extreme force as body parts went flying.
BELLA Edward, don't!
Alice leaps to help but several Volturi guard hold her back, which is no easy job. As she struggles mightily -- Edward is David to Felix's Goliath. Edward will lose, but he'll go down fighting. -- Edward is fast, anticipating Felix's moves before he makes them, but Felix is stronger -- -- Felix grabs Edward, throws him into the ceiling, SMASHING against the marble; he drops like a stone. Is then immediately KICKED across the room. BELLA (to Aro) Stop this! Please!
But Aro ignores her, leans forward to study Edward. Jane is itching to step in. Aro gestures her back. -- Felix takes some hits, but then lifts Edward overhead, CRACKING him like a nut, then flinging him against a wall -- Bella runs toward Aro but a Volturi Guard flings her away; she flies HARD against the wall. The guard is then occupied by the thrashing Alice -- Bella, bruised, but not broken, makes another attempt to get to Aro -- finally reaches him, kneels in front of him -- BELLA Do it! Kill me! Just leave them alone! -- as she yanks her collar back, exposing her neck to him. Aro is surprised and intrigued. A beat.
Maya began taking shots at Aro which he caught and began staring at her and broken guards who were on the floor.
ARO Enough.
Felix immediately releases Edward who manages to look up. He sees Bella kneeling in front of Aro.
EDWARD Get away from her -- ! Edward moves toward Aro but is quickly immediately pinned by Jane's invisible powers; he writhes in agony. Alice can no longer bear Edward's suffering -- ALICE Edward, stop. I've already seen it. EDWARD (through gritted teeth) Alice, stay out of it. ALICE I know what to do.
Aro, intrigued, gestures for Jane to stop; Edward goes limp.
ARO Ah yes, the clairvoyant. I saw your gift in Edward's thoughts. What is it you've seen?
EDWARD ... don't...
ALICE I'm the one who will change Bella.
Bella is taken aback by this. Aro is surprised, as well.
ARO (beat, then gestures) Please. Be my guest.
ALICE Not here. Her father is in law enforcement. If she goes missing, there will be questions.
CAIUS He is easily dealt with.
ALICE It will happen, Aro. See for yourself. She thrusts out her hand. Aro nods to the Guards who release her. She gives him her hand. He closes his eyes --
SMASH TO: EXT. FOREST - DAY (ALICE'S VISION) Edward hunts a deer. Matching his pace is another vampire - Bella! She's pale and beautiful - she and Edward smile at each other as they take a last grand leap for the kill --
BACK ON ARO, utterly delighted. He releases Alice's hand.
ARO Mesmerizing! To see the things you've seen, that haven't happened yet!
Alice moves to Edward's side, helps him up.
ALICE I'm so sorry.
ARO (to Bella) Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal. Go make your preparations.
Bella hurries to Edward's side, too. Caius is put out.
CAIUS You're letting them leave?
ARO Dear Caius, the girls disappearance will be conspicuous at best. And surely you see her potential. Though I am curious of the other one. May I?
Aro held his hand out for Maya's. Maya stiffly let him attempt to read him. All of a sudden Aro stiffened and began smoking. One of the Guards cam and broke the connection. Aro was dazed. Caius and Marcus looked slightly curious.
ARO: Intriguing. Yet I do not see you in any of young Alice's visions.
MAYA: I do not ally myself with the Cullens as my sister does. I am neutral in these proceedings as long as Bella is not harmed or threatened.
ARO: I believe I will let you live simply to see how you turn out.  MARCUS (dispassionately) Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment.
Aro gestures - Demetri throws open the carved double doors. Caius glares at them threateningly. CAIUS We will make sure she follows through. I would not delay. We do not offer second chances.
Edward, recovered now, takes Bella by the arm and, with Alice, they cautiously back toward the door --
INT. VOLTURI HEADQUARTERS - LONG CORRIDOR (CONTINUOUS) - DAY -- Demetri leads Bella, Edward and Alice out of the hall. As they make their way up the corridor, they see coming toward them -- A GROUP OF TWO DOZEN TOURISTS, led by a beautiful vampire, HEIDI. Edward, Alice and Bella stop to let them all pass. As Heidi passes Demetri, he gives her a flirtatious smile --  DEMETRI (sotto) Nice fishing, Heidi, save some for me.
Heidi smiles. She gives Bella a curious once-over, then continues on.
HEIDI (to the group) This way, please. Stay together...
A HUSBAND and WIFE, 60's, cameras around their necks, pass Bella. The Husband winks at Bella --
TOURIST HUSBAND Unusual tour, isn't it?
TOURIST WIFE Bill, get a picture of that bust there.
As the Tourists file past, we HEAR a variety of languages, German, Japanese, English. The group is moved toward the carved double doors which swing open for them. They file into the marble hall -- Edward pulls Bella forward, but she cranes her neck back as the last of the tourists disappear inside. As the large doors close... we begin to HEAR SCREAMING -- Edward and Alice rush Bella out - PUSH IN ON BELLA'S TORMENTED FACE as the SCREAMING gets louder... and louder --

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