Most embarrassing moment...

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Dianne opened the door to her room to behold the crumpled heap of blankets on her roommates' bed.

What could possibly be happening this time?

As if she were wading through water, she dragged herself up beside her roommate.

"Pom?" Dianne shook the dejected lump. A series of inaudible noises escaped the blankets.

"Pommie? Helloooo?"

"Just let me die here."

"As if," Dianne retorted. Taking a corner of the comforter, she unveiled a hot mess of a girl. Dianne's eyes rolled.

"Who do I need to beat up?" she asked with a sigh.

"Me. The sooner Jesus takes me home, the better off the world will be."

"Yeah, right. Explain," Dianne sat on the edge of the bed and pushed Pommie's hair out of her face, "in thorough detail."

"Fine." Pommie sat up next to Dianne. "BUT!"

Her eyes shot daggers through her roommates'.

"You absolutely CANNOT LAUGH."

"Aight, but get out of my face." Dianne's nose twisted into a pained contortion. "Have you been spoon-feeding yourself peanut butter again?"

"That's irrelevant."

"Not to my nose, but move on."

"Fine." Pommie looked at her intertwined hands. "So it went down like this:"


Pommie slouched on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Why did people think popcorn ceilings were the way to go, anyway? They just make me hungry."

Day four, and it was still cloudy in Collinsville. Not that there was anywhere to go, with the coronavirus wreaking havoc all over the world.

So here she sat, waiting for Dianne to get back with the groceries. Pommie's fingertips trailed along the wall.

If only I could go over there.

Pommie had made pretty good friends with her neighbors at the complex, but no amount of FaceTime or yelling through the walls could make up for good, old-fashioned, face-to-face conversation. She glanced over at the clock.

They're probably sleeping in, anyway.

In an attempt to liven the mood, she opened the back door. Though cloudy, she soaked in all the beauty and appeal one can get out of a 5' x 10' backyard.

Then she got to work.

This entire apartment needs to be baptized in holy water.

About an hour later, Pommie stepped back.

"Dishes? Done. Counters? Cleaned. Microwave?" She popped open the door and took a whiff.

"Close enough."

Hotel? Trivago.

She snorted out loud and shook her head.

Time to sweep!

Pommie had barely begun doing so before she heard a door open from a neighboring apartment. She wasn't sure who it was, but was so deprived of human companionship she decided to find out.

"Wow. I've been inside all day."

Pommie stopped in her tracks, and a mischievous grin spread across her face.

Ah, so Kay is awake now!

She hid herself just beside the door.

"I needed to get out of the house. I'll get too pale if I stay in all the time."

Yeah, right. Like the sun would turn you any other color than lobster red.

Pommie waited with a patience that can only be acquired by years of friend-flirting experience. She knew what was coming.

"If it weren't for these clouds..."

This is it. This is God's purpose for me. My entire life has been leading up to this.

"When's the sun coming out, anyway?"

"What are you talking about?" Pommie twirled onto the sad excuse of a patio.

"I'm right..."

Pommie locked eyes with a not pasty, not blonde, and definitely not Kay of a neighbor.


She felt a deep scarlet burn throughout her entire being. Without another word to the  bewildered girl on the other side of the fence, Pommie backed inside, locked the door, and cocooned herself within the sheets of her bed.


"And so here I am. Sulking."

Pommie looked up at Dianne. Her ebony face was stoic, and Pommie couldn't help but marvel with complete and utter respect at her roommate.

Wow. Even still, during my most humiliating moment in life, she does her best to respect me. What a great friend! I can't believe how great of a person she is, how-


Pommie shot her head back up at a no-longer stoic picture of her roommate.

"haHA! Oh my— Pom! How did you— HaHAha!! Dianne crumpled over with laughter.

"DiAne! I said not to laugh!!!" Pommie grabbed Dianne's collar and began to shake her back and forth.

"OkAY! okay! I'll stop, I'm stopping." Dianne wiped a tear from her eye. "Now let me go; I can still smell the peanut butter."

"Oh, right."

Pommie took her pillow and hugged it tight while Dianne regained her composure.

"Well..." Pommie looked up at Dianne expectantly.


"What now?"

Dianne stood up and stretched her arms above her head, looking back at her roommate.

"Uh. Move on? Live life?"

"I can't just DO that, Dianne!" Pommie's hands flailed above her head. "I'm a social danger to the public! And I'm not even in public! I WAS IN MY OWN BACKYARD!!"

Pommie huffed, squeezing the pillow even tighter. Dianne leaned on the doorframe and smirked.

"I don't know what to tell you, girl. But if anyone could publicly humiliate themselves during a quarantine, you would be the one to do it!"

"Shut UP!"

Dianne blocked the pillow with the door just in time.

"Dinner's in ten!"


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