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Jonathan: Hey, guys!

Shiza: ehye

the best jojo: stop trxting

Lisa Lisa: Can you two quiet down

Shiza: sorry liss lisa

the best jojo: put your damn phone down

Lisa Lisa: If you're going to train, do it outside and not in your room

smoke: i'm not there or anything

smoke: but i don't think they're training

Pol: 😳

the best jojo: were working iut

Shiza: shut thr fuck uo

suzi!!: lisa lisa

Lisa Lisa: Yes, Suzi?

suzi!!: i have 2 dresses picked out for you

suzi!!: one is a light pink sun dress

suzi!!: the other is a red cocktail dress

suzi!!: which one would you like for today?

the best jojo: I'd pick rhe red dress

Lisa Lisa: Pick whatever one you think would look better on me

suzi!!: um...

suzi!!: okay!

Pol: jufugdtdodiydiyckske

DIO: what was that

Crackyoin: It's called a keyboard smash

DIO: how do you do it

Jotato: boomer

DIO: fuck you jotaro

DIO: I will annihilate you

Jotaro: ok boomer

the best jojo: wow he said the funny thing

Shiza: shut

Crackyoin: You press a few keys on your keyboard

DIO: dkz

Crackyoin: Well, you tried

Jotaro: stupid idiot

Jonathan: Well spoken, Jotaro

DIO: what the fuck jonathan

DIO: i thought we were friends

Jonathan: Think again, Dio >:(

Erina♡: Dio go away

DIO: :(

Pol: Nobody likes you, Dio.

hol horse: uhm

DIO: ...

hol horse: I like Dio

DIO: thank you, hol horse

Jotaro: stupid idiot boomer

DIO: die

Jotaro: no u

DIO: shit

Crackyoin: Eye-

the best jojo: dio sucks

Shiza: Who's Dio and why does he suck

the best jojo: he's a bitch

DIO: i've never even met you, joseph

the best jojo: and you never will

DIO: i'm gonna kill you and jotaro

Shiza: Think again bitch

DIO: who tf are you

Shiza: Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Jojo's boyfriend

the best jojo: **fiancee

Shiza: what

Baron Z: Wait

Baron Z: Zeppeli?

Baron Z: That's my last name

Shiza: Jojo why did you say fiancee

the best jojo: :)

Shiza: no

Shiza: oh my fucking god

Jonathan: Did he just propose?

Shiza: yes he did

Pol: That's cute

Pol: Avdol take note

Abdul: Noted

Jonathan: Well that escalated

suzi!!: am i invited to the wedding?

the best jojo: yes

suzi!!: yes!!

Crackyoin: Jotaro, also take note

Jotaro: no

Crackyoin: Fine, guess I'll do it myself

DIO: that was cute or whatever

DIO: but i'm still going to kick your asses

DIO: including caesar

Shiza: I think the fuck not

the best jojo: bet

the best jojo: i'll fight both you and kars

the best jojo: at the same time


Shiza: No

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