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The walk to Dib's home wasn't very long as Zim thought it would be. In fact, his house was so close to Zim's. Zim paused to knock on the door. He looked to the home next to him. 'That's a very nice house.' he thought. He soon realized it was his own. Zim knocked on the door took a small look at Dib's house.

It was tall and did nothing to compare to the house Zim lived in. It had two floors and garage. The garage itself had to be twice the width of Zim's whole house.

The door opened and Dib welcomed Zim inside. It was a little spacious, but maybe Zim was just used to having a packed home. Dib's sister, Gaz, was on the couch, soda can in one hand and console in the other. Zim turned back to Dib. "So, what did you need help on?" Zim asked. Dib took out a few homework assignments and a quiz for Science Class. He slammed the paper on the table, like Tallest Bitters would do with paperwork. Zim looked at the sheet and read the title. "Oh, that's easy! It's only anatomy." Zim told him. Dib was slightly embarrassed that he didn't know human anatomy, so his cheeks turned faintly pink. Zim saw this and said, "So your head is that big, and you don't even know your own anatomy?" Even though Dib is an alien, he's still expected to know human anatomy to blend in. The teachers all say the homework and test assignments were based off of lessons they had already taught, so Dib knew he should've made the mission active earlier.

Zim solved all the anatomy questions, assuming Dib didn't know a thing about anatomy, and moved onto the human organ sheet.  You were only supposed to fill in the easiest organs, the 7 vital ones for survival. This shouldn't be a problem, right? While Zim saw 7 familiar words, Dib saw words that were new and confusing. The more he stared at them, the more unfamiliar they looked. If Zim wasn't going to help him, he might as well would've slammed the papers in the trash and hope it doesn't effect anything important.

"Okay, first we'll learn where the heart is." Zim said, getting up from the table. "Point your finger at my head." He commanded. Dib knew what this was because people teased him for having a big head. He pointed directly at Zim's head, over his eyes and in between his forehead. Zim nodded and told him, "Go directly lower, all the way to my chest." Dib did as commanded and pointed to Zim's heart. "That's where the heart is." Zim concluded. Dib wrote it down on the paper and Zim sat down. They filled out the rest of the sheet. Zim got tired, so instead of Zim modeling for the organ tricks, they used the human outline on Dib's page. While Dib was figuring problems out, Zim would do his homework: describing substances. This came to Dib's advantage, considering the reason he was sent to Earth was to get substances. Dib finished before Zim, so he got to watch him fill out descriptions for a substance. It was called 'water'. Zim describes it as 'wet and tasteless' and 'commonly found everywhere'. Dib wrote this down as Zim got up to leave. "I have to go feed my dog. Is it fine if I leave?" He asked, reaching for his backpack on the couch. Dib was sort of disappointed that Zim was leaving, but he understood that he must do his business. "You can bring him over. Gaz loves dogs." Dib said. As much as he hated bringing Gaz into this, he felt like it must be done. Zim walked out and told Dib to follow. "You're going to carry the toys and food. I'm carrying Gir." He said.
Dib looked at him, confused. What, or who, is Gir?As they walked on the sidewalk, Zim hummed a small song. Dib could slightly hear it, but he still knew it sounded pleasant. Then, his quiet hums were interrupted by the loud creek of a door opening and scratches on the door. Suddenly, a small green dog leaped at Zim and Dib. When the dog landed, it fell and scrambled to get back up. While he was struggling to get back up, Zim picked the small dog up.

"This is my dog, Gir. He's really energetic, so we'll have to bring some toys too." Zim said, offering a squeaky toucan plushie to Gir. Gir bit down on it and shook the stuffing out of it. Dib hadn't seen anything like it. Not only was it too vicious for its size, but it was adorable as well. Dib held out his hands to hold Gir, but instead picked up a nearby chew toy. 'No.' Dib thought. 'It's trying to fool me. I'll pick it up and suddenly it'll tear me apart. It might even obliterate me for all I know.' Dib picked up two more toys and Gir's food and water bowl, staring daggers at the small puppy in Zim's arms. If looks could kill, Gir would be dead or screaming in pain. Zim didn't notice this, so he did nothing to stop his glares. Gir became more energized, believing Dib was going to throw the toys in his hands. Zim had to hold him down a little because of his energy level.

As Zim and Dib walked back to Dib's home, Gir started squirming in Zim's arms. He started to grow stronger and stronger each step Zim took. As soon as Zim walked inside Dib's house and closed the door, Gir escaped his grasp and ran to Dib. He built up speed and dashed into Dib, almost knocking him down. He stood on his hind legs and put his front paws on Dib's lap. Then, he began to sniff him.

Since Dib didn't know what was happening, he began to panic. He tried moving backwards without hurting the puppy, but to no avail. Gir would just follow along. Zim slowly walked towards Gir, hoping not to excite him. He planned on picking Gir back up, but Gir wouldn't let him near Dib. "Dib, don't worry. He's just sniffing you." Zim said after giving up. Zim's assurance just made Dib even more frightened. 'He's trying to see if he could eat me! Maybe he's also figuring out I'm Irken. The mission would fail and I'd be on an autopsy table in no time!' Dib thought.

When all felt lost for Dib, Gaz got up from the couch and picked Gir up. He struggled in her arms for a moment, but then gave up and started sniffing her instead. Dib felt a wave of relief and sat down at the table. Zim sat down after admiring her strength. Gir was stronger than he looks, and most people are surprised by how he pulls Zim wherever with the leash. It may look like Zim's just weak, being the scrawny dude he is, but it's just Gir's strength. If Gaz could carry him with ease and he couldn't get away, she must be stronger than John Cena.

"Your sister is marvelously strong." Zim said while writing something on his paper. Dib just nodded and said, "Yeah, that's Gaz alright." He started typing something on a laptop. Zim thought for a second and said, "Red is also pretty strong." Dib looked up from the screen and directly at Zim. "Did I ask?" he asked sarcastically. Zim ignored him and continued. "He also rides a motorcycle with no helmet! I just thought that was cool." He said. Dib gave Zim a weird look and continued typing.

Then, the real talk started.

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