Bruise Battle | Shayne x Reader

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After a long night being alone, Shayne finally returns home with numerous bruises and a bottle in hand.

Y/N - Your name
N/N - Nickname

Your Point of View

"Damn it, where could he be?" I paced around the living room, thoughts flying in and out like bees in a hive. Was he stranded and his phone died? Did his car get a flat tire? Could he have been passed out at work?

Shayne promised he would be home at least by nine, and it was already eleven. I was probably stressing the situation and he was completely fine, but that's what happens when you're a worrier.

I grabbed a glass and filled it with water to try and calm my nerves. One sip later and I was still shaking like crazy.

I carried the glass with me into the living room and sat down quickly on the couch. As I searched for the remote to watch something, the door slowly creaked open, followed by a banging sound after. I looked up and Shayne finally arrived home. He was extremely bruised from head to toe, clothes torn, hair missing in some places, and a clear bottle was being gripped in his hand.

"Shayne? What happened?" I set the water down onto the table and ran over to him. He giggled in response and dropped the bottle, surprisingly not breaking it.

"Don't tell Y/N, but I got into a fight!" His goofy smile appeared as a few bruises became more visible. One near his lip, one right on his cheek, another above his eye, and two dark ones on his jawline.

"I won't tell them. Who did you get into a fight with?" It was sometimes hard to reason with this version of Shayne, but most of the time he was cooperative.

"A mini dude at the bar and some average Joe. They were teaming up on another girl, and I didn't like that. I wanted to be a hero and save the day!" He cheered and lifted his arms up, almost falling onto me. "N/N wouldn't like to see me like this."

"I don't think they would like it. However, I'm sure they're very proud of what you tried to do. Come on big guy, let's get you cleaned up." I helped him straighten up then grabbed his hand. I slowly led him back into the living room and set him on the couch. After that, I went back into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and wet towels, as well as some pain killers.

I gave him the ice pack, which he laid on his head, and I started patting down bruised areas, trying to figure out where it hurt most. He winced whenever I touched his jaw, so I moved the ice pack to that area and held it there for him.

"Here, take some of these with the water." I gave him the painkillers and he consumed them without hesitation. "Or don't use water I guess."

"Do you think I did the right thing?" Shayne suddenly spoke up. I looked up from his mouth and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I sat down beside him and started gently rubbing his back.

"I saved the girl, but got hurt. Did I do the right thing?" He pondered. I nodded in response.

"Sometimes you're gonna get hurt if you do the right thing. Whether physically or mentally, pain is gonna happen. However, it's best to pull through that pain and know that was for the best." I explained. He smiled at me and leaned back.

"Thank you for those words." He looked up at me.

"Anytime. We should probably get you to bed before Y/N figures out this mess, huh?" I stood up and reached my hand out. He gently grabbed it and followed me upstairs to our bedroom. "You can go ahead and get changed while I keep watch outside." He nodded, smiling as per usual. He went inside while I looked at my phone, just now seeing the texts from Courtney.

Hoo Hoo Queen: Just warning you ahead of time that Shayne is coming home a little black and blue.

Hoo Hoo Queen: A couple of dudes were hitting on a lady, and he beat up those guys like it was nothing! He got a few bruises in return.

I groaned at myself for never turning my sound on. I pulled up my keyboard and started to type back.

N/N: Trust me, I got a summarized version from the legend himself. I'm very proud of him.

When I hit send, Shayne poked his head out of the door.

"I finally finished if you want to come in." He announced. I walked in and he immediately dove onto the bed and went under the covers. "Can you tuck me in?" Ah, the puppy dog eyes. I nodded in response and neatly fixed the blankets until he was comfy. "One more thing: Can you tell Y/N I love them?"

I felt my face getting hotter than a ghost pepper. That was the first time he's ever told me that.

"Yes, I can tell them that." I quietly laughed, trying to hide my face in the calm, blue light of the room. "Goodnight, Shayne."

Author's Note:
Short story to make up for me being gone!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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