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serin saw jinyoung walking towards her when she walked down the hallway, on her way to go to the toilet. she wanted to just walk pass him, but couldn't because he held her right hand making her stop walking. "serin, i want to talk to you."

"let go of my hand, jinyoung."

"serin.. please. i think i gave you enough time to rethink about what you said that day, but now we should discuss about it again. i can't break up with you.. i love you so much." he stated, slowly.

"move on, bae jinyoung. if you can't stand being single, go find a new girl. make sure she's prettier and nicer than me." after telling him that, serin used her left hand to release her right hand from jinyoung's grasp before walking away.

Unforgettable • Bae JinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now