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Yoongi was waiting in the park like they had agreed on. His impatience shined through the moment he checked the time on his phone for the sixth time.

The weather was cold, Yoongi tried to warm his hands by rubbing them together, but it didn't seem to be working. He sighed deeply, "where is he?" Taehyung was never late, though he had a busy schedule, he always made time for his baby.

Now thirty minutes had passed since 7 pm and Yoongis impatience turned to worry.
What if something had happened to him? He could have been hit by a car.
Yoongi stood up from the bench in panic.
No, he always looks both ways before walking across the road.
The small boy sat back down with a sigh.

Another thirty minutes passed and Yoongi was on edge. As much he didn't want to admit it, tears were welling up in his eyes. He decided to go look for him. But just as he was about to leave the bench, he heard a yell.

"Yoongi!" He could recognise that voice anywhere. Taehyung. He quickly turned around and saw his boyfriend running towards him. His long black coat made it look more dramatic than it had to be. He was okay. He got a relieved smile on his face and the tears were unstoppable.

"Oh no, baby, are you crying?" Taehyung asked as he got up to the smaller boy. Yoongi shook his head in a protest and wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"I thought something had happened to you. Why did it take you so long?" Yoongi stuttered out. He pushed Taehyung in the chest, but not strong enough to even make him move, just enough to make it clear that he wasn't happy.

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi. There was this sudden meeting and I didn't have the time to notify you. I'm sorry you had to wait out here in the cold." Taehyung apologised and took Yoongis hands in his.

Taehyungs eyes widened, "baby, you're freezing. Come here." The taller opened his coat and wrapped it around his boyfriend. Yoongi smiled, enjoying the warmth and wrapped his arms around the taller under his coat.

"I promise you won't have to wait this long again," Taehyung assured him. That's when he gently planted a kiss on Yoongis forehead. Yoongi blushed lightly and looked up at him. He stood on his toes to connect their lips into a soft kiss.


A lil' short one to kick it all off

Hope you liked it :)


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