𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞

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Yoongi had needed to get out of the house. He had been working non-stop for three days, so maybe some fresh air wasn't a bad idea. With a "please" and puppy eyes he got lured Taehyung with him.

Taehyung smiled as he felt Yoongi carefully taking his hand. The walk wasn't a bad idea after all. He loved listening Yoongi as he was talking about his new projects.

They usually went on walks like this to clear their minds, especially if they've been working too hard to remember that sunlight still was a thing.

"See, this is nice, isn't it?" Yoongi said with a genuine smile on his lips, "it's nice to get out once in a while."
"Yeah, you're right," Taehyung agreed. He hadn't seen the older smile like that in days.

Yoongis eyes widened like he'd gotten an idea, "we should go get soft ice."
And so they did. Yoongi waited outside as Taehyung ordered and paid. He came back with a vanilla for Yoongi and a strawberry for himself.

They continued walking as they ate, taking a route they hadn't been on before. But then Yoongi started to lose his pace. He was falling behind and Taehyung had to wait on him.

"Getting tired?" He asked the smaller and Yoongi could do nothing but nod.
"My feet are getting sore," he complained and threw the rest of his soft ice out in the nearest trash can.

Taehyung understood why, they've been walking around the neighbourhood for almost 45 minutes.
"Let's go back home then," Taehyung said.

"No." Yoongi said.
"No?" Taehyung repeated confused.
"Want you to carry me." Yoongi insisted and made grabby hands in Taehyungs direction.

Taehyung let out a small chuckle, "Oh, come on Yoonie. It's not even a 15 minute walk home. I'm sure you can walk that by yourself."

Yoongi looked dissatisfied, "that's the perfect argument for you to carry me. There's not long home. I'm sure you can carry me the way."

"I'm not doing it. You can walk on your own feet," Taehyung said and shook his head with a smile.

"But my feet hurt" Yoongi complained, "please, Tae Tae." He pouted at the taller and looked at him with pleading eyes. Something he knew Taehyung couldn't resist.

Taehyung sighed heavily, "okay fine," he said, "but only this time."
"Yes! Thank you," Yoongi flashed a gummy smile, making Taehyung smile himself.

"You're the best, Tae," Yoongi said after jumping onto Taehyungs back.
"Gosh, you're heavy," Now it was Taehyungs turn to complain.
"Then you better hurry home," Yoongi said.

Taehyung mumbled something under his breath as he started walking. Yoongi seemed content on the tallers back. They both were going to end up with sore feet after this.

Taehyung ended up giving his Yoongi a piggyback ride all the way home. In return Yoongi cooked dinner for him, and they spent the night watching one movie after another.


Inspired by the photo above.


𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz