"Hakkie," Dongju said in a sing-song manner as he wrapped his hands around his boyfriend who was already waiting for him behind his apartment door. "How long have you waited out here?"
"Don't worry. I just got here," Geonhak gave Dongju a warm smile. Dongju felt his heart melt at the sight. Geonhak was just too handsome for him to handle.
"Are you ready?" Geonhak asked as he removed Dongju's hand from his waist to intertwine Dongju's fingers with his. Dongju nodded enthusiastically.
"So, where are we going?" Dongju asked once they were seated in the bus. Geonhak didn't tell Dongju where he had planned for them to go. He wanted it to be a surprise since usually it was Dongju that did most of the romantic gestures between the two. He answered by putting his index finger on his lips and winked.
It had already been 30 minutes since they left their apartment, but Geonhak still hadn't had any plans on telling him when or where they would arrive at their stop. Dongju was starting to get bored of watching the scenery that was constantly changing beside him. It was beautiful, but Dongju was more curious about where they were going to right now.
"Are we there yet?" He asked for the eleventh time. Geonhak could see his boyfriend was growing impatient because of all the waiting. His lips were pursed into a pout and cheeks puffed. He still looked cute even when he was angry.
"One more stop, okay?" Geonhak finally gave him a definite answer. It made the sparkles come back to his eyes and made his last few minutes of sight seeing from inside the vehicle enjoyable again.
A few minutes before their stop Dongju could already see where he assumed Geonhak was taking him. He could see the various rides the amusement park provided from meters away. It surprised him that Geonhak even knew this place existed since the boy barely use any social media. The park had just opened a few weeks ago and it was popular among people their age.
"Are you taking me there?" Dongju asked, his excitement was clearly displayed in his voice and body.
"What? No. I'm taking you to the beach behind the park." Dongju's mood dropped instantly. If someone's gaze could kill, Geonhak would already be dead.
"I'm kidding, of course I'm taking you there," Geonhak immediately backtracked, not wanting to die so early in his life. He let out a nervous chuckle as the boy next to him kept his cold glare to him.
"Please don't be mad," Geonhak pleaded as he enveloped the smaller male into a hug. Dongju still didn't budge.
"Buy me ice cream later." Geonhak then planted a kiss on the male's cheek.
After waiting in line for a long time, it was finally their turn to ride the roller coaster. This was the first time for both Dongju and Geonhak. Dongju was really excited, he was not feeling nervous at all. He couldn't wait for the adrenaline rush once they were on top of the tracks.
When both of them were already at their seats, Dongju shifted closer to the other male and linked their arm together. No, Dongju wasn't scared. He was using this as an opportunity to get closer to his boyfriend. However, that thought soon changed as he felt how fast the ride was going. Feeling scared of being thrown off his seat at any moment, Dongju moved even closer and tightened his grip around the other's arm while screaming his head off.
After they went on the roller coaster, they decided to try the scrambler and drop tower and soon the sun was already right on top of them, signaling that it was already lunch time.
"Hakkie, I want to try those food too," the younger pouted as he saw a couple of kids running around with waffles in their hand.
"Then let's queue for them,"
"But I want to ride the merry-go-round too. If I go there later, the queue will get longer and longer," Dongju argued as he flailed his arms, pointing at one of the least harmful ride in the park.
"Fine, I'll buy the snacks and you can go play some more," Geonhak sighed in defeat.
"Yay! Thank you, Hakkie." Dongju was gone right after he pecked Geonhak's cheek.
Geonhak could only groan seeing how long the line was for the waffles Dongju wanted. The things he would do for his boyfriend.
After sweating under the blazing hot sun for almost an hour, he finally got the waffles for both him and Dongju. He then waited at the bench in front of the ride.
"Was the line really that long? I got to ride the unicorn twice," Dongju said as he approached the visibly tired angel. Geonhak only nodded and handed the boy his share of waffles.
"Was this your first time on earth?" He asked once both of them were already seated on the bench.
"Yeah since my father doesn't really let me go anywhere. I don't know if this is the others' first time or not though."
"Did you already know them before this?"
"Well, I was already friends with Keonhee, but I barely knew Youngjo."
"So, what did you find out about earth?" Geonhak kept asking things to Dongju without realising that Dongju started to feel it was kind of weird, especially since it wasn't really about getting to know Dongju better.
"Why are you asking me all this thing? It's like you're trying to get some secret information out of me," Dongju joked, letting out a giggle. But Geonhak on the other hand stayed silent, head hung low. He felt a bit guilty interrogating Dongju like that.
"Why aren't you laughing?" Dongju asked Geonhak who was still not saying a word, shaking his thigh to get a reaction out of him. He started getting suspicious. "Are you actually–"
"Let's try the kamikaze next," Geonhak immediately got up, cutting Dongju mid-sentence. He also slightly pulled on Dongju's arm to make him get up too. This conversation was starting to reveal a matter which Geonhak wasn't comfortable sharing at the moment.
Dongju pulled his hand back. Geonhak was acting too suspicious. "Geonhak talk to me!"
Geonhak stood still, back facing Dongju. He didn't say a word, he couldn't. Dongju was so close to finding the truth and he couldn't do anything about it. If he told him the truth, Dongju would absolutely get mad, same if he didn't tell him anything.
"Are you pretending to love me just to find out why I'm here?" Geonhak turned around to face him. Dongju looked like he was about to burst into tears any second now. Dongju's eyes were filled with tears and his lips were trembling. His hands were clutching the now empty paper bag very tightly as if he was about to rip it apart. The sight made Geonhak's heart hurt. He never wanted it to turn out this way.
"Dongju, no–" before he could explain anything, Dongju ran off to god knows where. Geonhak instantly followed him. He didn't care about anything else anymore, he just wanted Dongju to know. He might be using their relationship to help with his mission, but his feelings for him were true.
Sorry this update was late ^^;;

Sins Apart | ONEUS
FantasyRumor has it that Lust was visiting town so Hwanwoong was sent to make sure the demon wouldn't create havoc. But what will happen when the said demon falls in love with him instead? And what was his intentions for visiting Earth in the first place? ...