Rumor has it that Lust was visiting town so Hwanwoong was sent to make sure the demon wouldn't create havoc. But what will happen when the said demon falls in love with him instead? And what was his intentions for visiting Earth in the first place?
Seoho and Keonhee were both standing inside Geonhak's room. Seoho, who was only covered by a bath robe, was rummaging through his housemate's closet while Keonhee could only stand in the middle of the room, hugging his body with a towel to stay warm as the clothes he was wearing were dripping wet.
If any of the other angels would to arrive home at any moment, they would probably get weird looks since one, they were in Geonhak's room, and two, they were two thousands years old men who looked like they just had a fight in the bath tub as if they were five. Thankfully both of the angels were too busy with their own dates.
"Here, I think this will fit you," Seoho said as he took out a sweatshirt and a pair of short pants from the closet.
"I'm pretty sure you're a size smaller than me," Keonhee replied, still not realising that the room they were in didn't belong to the guy in front of him.
"It's Geonhak's," the shorter explained, receiving an 'oh' from the other man. Seoho then raised his eyebrow, expecting him to start changing out of his soaked clothes only to be greeted with a staring contest.
"Why are you still here?" The taller spoke up.
"I'm not leaving you alone in Geonhak's room."
"So you want to see me naked?" The demon smirked, satisfied that he was able to make the other flustered.
"No!" Seoho denied, face still red. Though he must admit to himself that he wouldn't mind seeing the sight. Not everyday he could see the demon in nothing.
Keonhee rolled his eyes as Seoho still stood there, eyes glued to his figure. Keonhee turned his back before he started changing. He would just have to pretend the angel behind him wasn't watching his every move.
He took off his top, slightly struggling as the wet cloth would cling onto his also wet skin. He then pat himself dry with the towel, reaching every exposed skin of his upper half. He stopped for a moment to contemplate if he should wear the dry sweatshirt or remove his pants first. After realising that the length of the top would probably reach his pants, he decided it would better to take the pants of first so the top wouldn't get wet too.
Once the pants were off him, he stopped again, unsure whether to take off his underwear or not. Geonhak might be uncomfortable with the idea of someone else wearing his pants without any undergarments on. But if he didn't take it off, the wetness would transfer to the dry pants and render the whole changing into dry clothes attempt useless. So Keonhee did what he thought was the best approach.
"Hey, should I take off my briefs or?" He asked as he turned his head back to face Seoho. Seoho jumped a little and became a blushing mess as if he was caught in the middle of doing something naughty. He glanced up to face the demon for a moment before averting his eyes to look somewhere else. Keonhee scanned the angel from head to toe briefly and by the looks of it, the angel wasn't so pure after all, shamelessly enjoying the view of another man's unclothed body. He really was after Youngjo's brand.
"Just take it off," Seoho stuttered out after thinking about it for a bit, rationally, not because of what he could see if the demon did, and Keonhee did what he was adviced to do.
Seoho couldn't helped but to take a glimpse of his body while he was putting on Geonhak's shorts. Unlike what he originally thought, Keonhee was actually pretty built. He slowly guide his eyes to capture the other's physique, from his calves, his thighs, his back, and finally his shoulders. But as he was about to admire the back of his head, he made eye contact with the demon who held a cold gaze against him. Keonhee smirked as the angel broke the eye contact, unsuccessfully pretending he wasn't gawking at him earlier.
As much as he wanted to tease Seoho for longer, the wind that was hitting his body started bothering him and he had to quickly put on his sweatshirt.
"I'm done!" He announced, turning back to face the still flushed angel. Seoho only nodded, unable to think of anything to say or do. He thought that Keonhee honestly looked really good in this fit, a slightly oversized sweatshirt paired with shorts that only peeked through a little bit underneath the top.
"So can I go home now?" He asked as he didn't receive any reply from the shorter. Without much thought, Seoho shook his head making Keonhee frown. What else could he possibly want Keonhee to do. Noticing his carelessness, Seoho tried to come up with an excuse to explain his answer.
"Help me cook something. You don't want me to burn myself again, right?" Keonhee clicked his tongue in annoyance, at least he would get free food out of this.
Keonhee sat himself down as he watched Seoho took out some ingredients from the fridge. He took out a bar of ice cream, a pack of string cheese, and a pack of meat skewers. Keonhee immediately stood up, alarmed as to what he might be thinking of making. He put all of the ingredients back in the fridge, not trusting Seoho's recipe.
"What are you doing?" Seoho interrupted, trying to get his ingredients for his beloved recipe back. Keonhee only pushed him back, sitting him down on the seat which he previously sat on.
"Change of plans, I'm cooking. And you," he pointed at Seoho sharply, "don't do anything stupid."
Keonhee searched all the cabinets for some useable ingredients and stopped when he saw a pack of instant noodles. He took a glance at Seoho every so often as he boiled some water, making sure the angel, who was still dressed in only a bath robe, wasn't making any more trouble for him.
He watched Seoho stood up from his seat, taking out a bar of ice cream from the fridge. Seoho stared back as he sucked the ice cream, he wasn't up to anything. Keonhee gestured for him to come closer.
"What?" Seoho looked up, removing his mouth from the ice cream once he arrived next to Keonhee. He didn't get an answer back from the demon, instead he got a bite of his ice cream stolen.
—— Thank you so much for all of the support so far!! 😭♥ Also, have you guys heard about the sungflower cult? 🎷🌻💛
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