Chapter 1:

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Ayla Rosaelia Hart.

That's me . Born and raised in the Kingdom of Meira. You may be wondering from where do you know that name . Let me give you a hint . We were the Kingdom that had went to war against the pack of the Kingdom Angra and had lost terribly. Yea that Kingdom .I know you might be saying what were you guys thinking ?? They are ruthless. You guys stood no chance. And you are right we didn't stand a chance. We had lost many soldiers  in that battle that night and we would have lost more if it were not for the Alpha or more known as the King of Meira making a deal with the King of Angra . The deal was that they would marry the princess of Meira to the prince of Angra on the princesses 18 th birthday which was in a month . Uniting the two Kingdoms for once .Once the deal was made there was no turning back. What was done was done.

On that night the pack of Angra had dropped their weapons and returned to their land minus the King of Angra and his son . They had went  to the center of the Kingdom of Meira where the castle had been to meet the girl who would marry the prince. Princess Ayla Rosaelia Hart. Yea I'm the one . The princess of Meira . The one who in my people's eyes had saved the Kingdom from being destroyed. All because I would soon be married to prince Kade . Once they had entered the castle they had sent for me to be brought down . That was the night that I had found out about their plans and that the future i had been so excited about would end up in flames before I even got the chance to stop it.

" Princess Ayla your father is back from the battle h- "  before my guard James could even finish his sentence I immediately dropped the book that had the words Caraval  written on the top that I had been reading. I ran towards him and grabbed one his arm and looked into his eyes with only one thing on my mind . Was my father alright. As James looked me in the eyes it seemed as if he already knew what I was asking .

"Your father is alright Ayla . I wish I could say the same about some of our men . But that's a topic for another day. Your father has sent me to ask you to go down to the office . He has some news for you." He breathes out while slowly pulling my arm down from his grasp . As I see him pulling my hand down I move it away without a second thought .

" James.... " I pause for a moment to catch my air preparing myself to ask for a certain someone who is just as important to me as my father . The someone who I pleaded the day before not to go to the battle for the fear that I might lose him .

" P-Please tell me Mateo did not go to the battle. Please tell m-me that -" my sentence cuts off as I can feel my eyes begin to water and my chin begin to quiver." He listened to me and that he is safe in his r-room like I begged him." I cry out . As I look up through my watery eyes I can see the pain and regret in James  eyes. For the next thing he is going to say to me was something I wouldn't want to hear .

"No Ayla... . He didn't listen ...... He appeared last  minute at the battle with the rest of then men. I kept him under my watch as we fought but .... I-I turned for a second and once I turned back he-" before he could finish I cut him off before I knew what he was  going to say .

"W-Where is he ? " I ask quietly. As those words come out of my mouth I see James hesitate to answer my question. If it were any other person I would not be bothered by how long he was taking to answer but this was about Mateo. My Mateo. I needed to know where he was . I couldn't stand another second not knowing where he was especially if he was hurt .

"Tell me where is he James !! " I scream while walking towards my door.

" He's in the infirmary . Section 2a..." he whispers the last part hoping I didn't hear him but I did . I heard him loud and clear . Mateo was in section 2a. That meant that if he was wounded it was beyond some scratches on his skin like he promised it would if he were to go. Without thinking I ran through the door to where he was. I couldn't handle being in my room another second . I needed to be with Mateo. Not knowing what was going on with him scared me and I couldn't handle a second more . As I was running down the steps I could hear James right behind me trying to stop me before i got to Mateo.

" Ayla you can't go to him !! Not when your father needs you to meet him . You know how much trouble you and I will be if you don't show up!! " He shouts as he runs down the stairs after me . As I get to the bottom of the stairs and close to the office I turn around to look at James with a glare as I continued to walk faster . How could he think what my father had to tell me was more important than going to Mateo at the infirmary??

" I don't care if I get in trouble !!!As a matter of fact what my father has to tell me can wait ! This is more important! I need to go to Mate-" before i could finish my sentence I had bumped into a hard chest making me land on the floor.

"Ouch. Watch where you're go- " before I can continue my yelling to the person who bumped into me  I see a hand reach in front of me offering to pull me up and I take it slowly without at who it was . 

" Where I'm going ? I would say it's quite the opposite don't you think? I mean you were the one walking while not looking at where you were going ." The person says while pulling me up and laughing. Before I could say anything back to the person about who they were laughing at I became paralyzed with the man that was in front of me .  He was tall and had a muscular build. A sharp jawline with dimples at the side of his checks you can see as he laughed . Light brown hair and eyes that were a mix of blue and Hazel that made you get lost . He was the most attractive man I'd seen around Meira which told me he wasn't from around here. And telling by his suit he was important as well .

" Are you alright ? You seem like you're at a loss for words there ? Or do you not talk at all" he says while continuing laughing. As I stare at him I notice how uncomfortable it began getting without saying anything.

" Yes I am quite alright thank you. And as you can see I do talk . I am sorry for bumping into you I was just running from Ja- "

" From me . "  I get cut off. I look back and see James approaching us from the bottom of the stairs not  pleased . I looked back immediately to finish my sentence and ignored James as I knew what was coming .

" Yes from him as you can see . " I say while rolling my eyes and laughing a bit.

" Wait your laugh..... I-I've heard it before ." The man says no longer laughing . Before I can ask him what he means James cuts in .
"That's because this young lady here is Ayla Rosaelia Hart . The princess of Meira . The one that you are going to ma-" James stops mid sentence once he and I notice the man rip his hand out if mine . I didn't notice that we were still holding hands since he lifted me up until he had ripped them away . He closely looks at me and back at James like if he couldn't believe what he had told him .

" Wait did you just say that she's princess Ayla ??? As in the one that the deal was about ?" He asks while still staring at me . As I heard the word deal slip out of his mouth I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. What deal was he talking about?
" Deal?? What do you mean de-" im cut off by my father's office door that we had been standing in front of  opening .
" Ahhh. Ayla my dear I see that you have meet Kade. The prince of Angra." My father says while walking up to us . In that moment I knew who this man was and why he had said my laugh had seemed so familiar. He was the first  boy who had broken my heart . As my father approached me and grabs my arm I see from behind him the King of Angra walk towards Kade . As I look at them I can't help but wonder what they both were doing here in my home. Were they not just attacking us a couple of hours ago ? And now they stand here like nothing has happened .

" Father..." I breath out as I turn to look at him . " Why are they  here ? Were we not just having a battle with them ? " I ask while glaring back at them .
" Ayla..." James whispers behind me and I turn to look at him. " Your the deal.... The deal between the two Kingdoms. Meira and Angra. The one who is going to unite them both." As he says that it all comes crashing down on me . The only reason why they are here is because they are making a deal between the Kingdoms. And that deal is only one thing .


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