Chapter 2:

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Marriage...That simple word was enough to keep me in a deep thought cutting out the people around me. How could my father ever think of going through with a marriage with the prince of Angra when he had been so accepting of my relationship with Mateo. It was the last thing I thought my father would ever make me do. I knew him deep down to the core that he would never put me in this situation or so I thought.... with what James had said about me being the deal it had made my mind a total mess and begin to doubt my father. As I began to allow my mind to run around with different thoughts I soon found myself with tears threatening to fall down my cheeks but before they could even get the chance to I suddenly get pulled out of my own thoughts by James. " Ayla? Did you hear what I said ? " he questions. I soon began to gather myself and slowly look up to where James is standing. He immediately sees how I am in the brink of tears and slowly looks down unable to keep my saddened gaze. In that second I knew that the only thing that James felt while meeting my gaze was guilt. I slowly point my gaze where my father was standing strong and firm not allowing my emotions get the best of him. Before I begin to say anything I clear my throat and wipe the tears threatening to fall away. 

" Tell me that what James has just informed me father is not true...tell m-me that you are not really truly thinking about going through with this like it is the best decision that can possibly be made... " I allow myself to stop mid sentence to not allow the anger flowing through me to get the best of me. " Tell me this is all some sort of sick joke and you are not really going to allow me to marry him especially not through everything that has happened and what him and his father have done to our country." As I finish my sentence I hear  a scoff in the distance and I knew exactly who it had came from.Kade. I try my best to not allow his reaction distract me from the only person I want an answer from. My father slowly closes in the distance that had been between us both and releases a long sigh that he had been holding. " I'm.. I'm so sorry but.. " he suddenly stops and looks deep into my eyes and at that moment I saw the slightest glint of guilt and sorrow in his eyes as he continued " it is the only way we can end this. There has been too much blood on my hands and I will not allow more to be added on to it. The King of Angra and I have both agreed on this decision and  believe it will benefit us and our Kingdoms. " As he finishes his sentence he softly puts his hand on my cheeks to wipe away the tears that had fallen without me noticing. As he talked all I could think about was the pain and rage that had started to boil inside me. My father was not the man I had thought he had been all these years. Here he was confirming to me that he was indeed agreeing with the idea of marrying me off to Kade like if I was some piece of property to be given away.

At moments like these it had made me wish my mother was still here. She would have been the one to knock some sense into him but she wasn't around anymore she was gone.  She died a few years back due to her being sick. I didn't know much about how it all happened since my father only allowed very little detail about her death to be brought to me as her mourned his loss privately. I feel like the days my mother had died was also the day a part of my father died as well. He was never the same since but always made it his priority to keep me safe. Now it was just me and him and here he was marrying me off to someone he clearly knows I would never marry not after what had happened between us and considering that I had been with Mat-... MATEO!!! with the news that I had been given I had forgotten the reason why I had left my room in the first place. As I thought about him it made me question my father for agreeing for me to marry if he had been so fond of Mateo being with me it had brought an anger within me to boil as I kept thinking about it. Before I can stop it I allow the anger to get the best of me at what my father had told me. Anger fills my eyes as I begin to glare at each one of them. I soon begin to grab hold of my fathers hand that had been on my cheek wiping my tears away and roughly pull it off while pulling my face away in anger. I see how it affected my father when I pull away from his touch but my anger was to much to allow to hide away. " Ayla?" he says with a bit of pain behind his questioning voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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