Chapeter 1: Letters for All

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Aries POV


We that's what's we were doing anyways. Cheer and Football had some of their practices together. Especially some of the ones closer to games, just so that the players could get used to the chants and know what was going on. So, that meant me and Gem were on the pitch, telling our respective teams to run 3 laps around the track. And of course, being the good captains we are, we joined them. It was a nice day too, so we though why not. Both me and Gem had finished our laps and were just waiting for the rest of our teams to finish up.

—————————————Time skip brought to you bye me—————————————

After the end of our sessions, I drove Gem home back to where she lived. Nye finally trusted me around her alone, after I had to confess to him who I liked over a thousand times. Nope, you're not finding out. We had finally reached her house around 4:30 (practice ends at 4:15) and we said goodbye and parted ways.

After Gem left, I headed back home and opened the door.

"Aries is that you?"

"Yeah mom"

"There is a letter for you on the table....I haven't opened it, but its from your school"

"Thanks mom"

"Anytime, now go and wash up, I don't want your sweaty body sitting on the furniture"

After I had showered, I sat down a the kitchen table and opened up the letter. It said simply...

Dear Aries Comet,

It has come to our attention that you are acing most of your classes, as well as the captain of the school's football team. In order to reward you for your amazing work this year, we would like to invite you to spend the rest of the year at a mansion, payed for by the school. This offer has also been extended to 12 others. We hope that you will join us on this journey. There will be a limousine awaiting to pick you up at 11:30 am tomorrow and you will be excused from classes for the rest of the day.


Susannah Paul

Mrs. Paul? That was our vice principal. I asked my mom if I could go, and she said yes. I guess she wanted a little break from me and all my football gear around the house. The rest of the night I spent packing and then I fell asleep before even eating dinner. 

no ones POV

At the same time that Aries was reading his letter, 11 other soon to be Zodiacs (12 people) were reading similar letters. And of course all their parents said yes, because what parent doesn't want a break from their kids? All of them spent their nights packing before passing out from exhaustion and dreaming about the mansion they would soon be living in.

Hi guys! Sorry this was so short that that it only had one POV. Yeah, so I'm not normally going to update this fast, but I'm sick and at home ( WHO'S READING THIS DURING CORONAAAAA)

Have a good day, and leave comments about what ships you guys want!!

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