Chapter Sixteen

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Hours of riding passed in tense, uncomfortable silence between Thomas and Charlotte, as she and old Beau struggled to keep up with Thomas and Jacques. Not only was Jacques a younger, faster horse, but he was being driven harder by a rider with anger and pain raging through him.

When at last they were forced to stop to water and cool the animals, Charlotte approached Thomas where he sat on the trunk of a fallen tree. He stared off into the distance, sullen.

“Are you ever going to speak?”

He scowled.

“I see. Well, it is going to make for a very long trip to the castle. I pray whatever is eating you is behind you by the time we reach the gates, Thomas, or your anger and refusal to communicate with me could cost both our lives.”

“How could you, Charlotte?” His voice broke. “How could you… when all these years I have…”

“You have what, Thomas? Been a friend to me, almost as close as a brother would be.”

“By God, no, please, do not refer to me by that word. I shall be sick to my stomach if you do,” he begged, standing up and reaching her in two swift strides, despite his limp. “Charlotte, you must have known at some point my feelings for you had changed, that I felt more for you than friendship.” He tilted his head up to the heavens, attempting to mask his emotions even as he was forced at last to speak his heart. “Should we die on this mission, I do not want it to be without you understanding in full.”

Charlotte was terrified. She moved away and tried to lead old Beau from the water. He would not budge, unwilling to finish his drink so soon.

Thomas grasped her by the arms and turned her to face him, but she would not meet his gaze. He leaned in as if to kiss her, but seeing the way she closed her eyes so tightly, afraid he would, his heart shattered. Gently, he released her.

He took a full step back and held his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender. “Please, look at me.”

She shook her head.

“Once, Charlotte, for heaven’s sake, do as I ask.”

She looked up at him, fighting her own heart. She wished, somehow, she could love Thomas in the way he wanted; but she could not deny the passion she felt for Julien. Her love belonged to the young Prince now, even if she could never be his queen, he would always rule her soul.

“I love you, Charlotte. I always have.”

“I care for you, Thomas, truly I do, just…” She stopped. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”

“If there is the slightest chance there is room in your heart for me, I will take what little I can have of it. I swear it, I would marry you Charlotte, even knowing…” He stopped short of saying, even though I know you’d rather be his.

She shook her head again. “I’m sorry, Thomas. So sorry.” She now fought the old horse, forcing him to relent. In a moment she was riding away, leaving Thomas in the position of chasing her, once more.

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