Chapter 2: This is not the best day of my life

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"Ladies and Gents! Watch and be amazed by the amazing and fabulous Lucky Bucky!!"

Applause can be heard as I walk normally while being blindfolded

What's so amazing by walking normally you ask?

Let's look at it a different POV shall we?

3rd Person POV

"Tolle! How iz he doing that?"

"Wunderbar! Wunderbar!"

"Dude got pretty big ba-"


The audience spoke to one another as they watch in amazement as they observe Y/N make a spectacle of himself.

What was he doing you ask?

Currently, he is walking on a tightrope, while his three 'best friends' and two servants try to throw him off by throwing random objects they see, while also balancing a plank with the tennis balls on both ends while singing the Swiss national anthem

"Those guys will pay for this..." Y/N thought to himself as he effortlessly walks on the tightrope like a professional circus act

"Oi oi oi! We ran out of shit to throw!" shouts Noah as he orders someone to fetch new things to throw

"Damn it!! He's almost at the end...!!! Throw your books at him!" orders Clara as she opens her bags and throws it at Y/N

"What? My homework is here! Mr. Lawrence would kill me!" protests Almond as he protects his bag from the other two

"Aww sad, even Noah the Captain of our Basketball team can't throw me off, pathetic" taunts Y/N, throwing them a smug smile "Oh? What's that? Do I hear a buncg Dogs barking? Arf! Arf!"

"Alright, fuck it, Mr. Lawrence can look for my homework in the trash," says Noah as he throws his books one by one at Y/N hoping for him to fall

"I'm still not throwing my books" added Almond as he hugs his bag, protecting it from Noah and Clara

Violetta and Sirius can only look at their young master's friend as they struggle to defeat the stupidest power of them all,


Meanwhile, while all this commotion was happening in the School Gym, three well-known figures watch all this event happening in a location where no one would see them

"I thought he doesn't have superpowers? But from what I can see here his power is like, super athleticism and super senses?" asks Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) as he quickly glances at the students make a betting pool but quickly returning his gaze to Y/N

"No, technically if it can be counted, his superpower is being super-rich, so he probably has some gadget that can keep him off balance" replies Flash (Wally West) as he also looks at the students with bewilderment "Like Batman you know"

"I think it's about time we show ourselves, those kids over there are already starting bets" Superman (Clark Kent) declares as he slowly approaches the crowd of students gambling their parent's money away

As Superman was about to approach the crowd, a hand from behind stopped him from walking

"Not yet" spoke the ever-familiar low and guttural growling voice "I want to observe this for a meanwhile"

Batman arrived with Wonder Woman after a long discussion on whether Y/N should join the Academy, without Batman acknowledging it, Wonderwoman won.

The rest of Heroes also stayed backed and observe the rest of the event with amused faces, except for Batman.

The Son of Lady Luck (DC x Lucky Rich Male) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن